On Nov 5, 2009, at 1:39 PM, mdipierro wrote:

> well, you can do
> response.flash=DIV("message",_class="error")
> and handle both class "flash" and class "error" via css.

That works fine if your flash html is a simple div (as it is in the  
standard layout), but it doesn't work so well if you're trying to do  
more with it.

Gmail's flash display, for example, puts its flash message in a  
rounded-corner box (generated via a table). You can do that too using  
the technique you show, but you really need a wrapper function once  
the html gets more complex than a simple div (or the like).

BTW, with this method, does the <div> end up getting escaped?

> On Nov 5, 3:13 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 5, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Russell wrote:
>>> It does seem that a nice solution would be to position or shrink the
>>> flash message on the default layout so that it is unlikely to cover
>>> text.  But it maybe we are trying to do too much with the flash
>>> message?  There are some messages that only deserve a quick  
>>> 'flash' -
>>> like 'logged in'.  But there are some messages that are more  
>>> important
>>> that need to stick around.  Perhaps we need two styles in the
>>> layout...response.flash and response.notice?
>> I think that'd be good, or perhaps more of an API. One way to do it
>> would be to attach different styles to the flash, perhaps.
>> For my own applications, I'd like to distinguish errors from
>> information notices with color. Also, if an error requires that the
>> user do something to correct it (that is, the landing page isn't
>> really what the user was after), I'd be inclined to leave it up (no
>> fade-out), while purely informational or greeting messages that don't
>> require user action would fade.
> >

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