I'm connecting remotely to a server and executing script. I am also see the 
output on my web2py page, but the problem is when I use view then instead 
of aligning things in new lines I see "/n" and lines are not separated.
Pls let me know how can I get the actual new line instead of "/n" 
BTW I'm new to web2py and web development. 
Here is the controller code and view code.
-- Controller 
def run_cmd():
    import paramiko
    import os
    hostis = session.server_name
    useris = session.user_name
    passis = session.user_pass
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(hostname=hostis , username=useris , password=passis )
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/opt/home/ggs/poc/t1 \"info 
all\" /opt/home/ggs/ggs.env")
    data = stdout.readlines()
    return dict(data=data)
-- View 
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>Welcome to my new app</h1>
<FONT FACE= "Courier New" COLOR='green'> {{=data}} </FONT>


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