hi, is it possible to using div using the web2py format that contain looping and if else condition? i found an error during convert my view :
from: <DIV id = 'leftbar'> {{=H1(title)}} {{for i, row in enumerate(rows):}} {{if i == items_per_page: break}} {{=A(T(row.title), _href = URL("blog_show", args = row.id), _title = T(row.title))}} {{=BR()}} {{pass}} {{if page:}} {{=A(T('Previous'), _href = URL(args = [page - 1]), _title = T('Previous'))}} {{pass}} {{if len(rows) > items_per_page:}} {{=A(T('Next'), _href = URL(args = [page + 1]), _title = T('Next'))}} {{pass}} </DIV> into : {{=DIV(H1(title), for i, row in enumerate(rows): if i == items_per_page: break A(T(row.title), _href = URL("blog_show", args = row.id), _title = T(row.title)), BR(), pass if page: A(T('Previous'), _href = URL(args = [page - 1]), _title = T('Previous')), pass if len(rows) > items_per_page: A(T('Next'), _href = URL(args = [page + 1]), _title = T('Next')), pass ), _id = 'leftbar'}} i know i'm wrong, please explain and show my fault, please thank you so much