I have a Centos server running web2py with mod_wsgi, apache, MySQL, MySQL-Python, python 2.6....
As Centos uses python 2.4 I have installed 2.6 parallell with 2.4.

Then I have a new server where I´m trying to get everything to work but no luck sofar. First I thought everything was OK until I noticed I (or the server) was using Python 2.4, I installed mod_wsgi again to get it to use python 2.6.

Now I´m getting RuntimeError: global name 'MySQLdb' is not defined (tried 5 times)

If I try import MySQLdb in terminal it works both for python2.4 and 2.6.

I have read everything I could find about the subject on mailing lists archive, I tried everything listed in this discussion

Last thing I tested was to remove mod_wsgi that I had install via yum and tried to install it from source, no luck.


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