[web2py] Cron doesn't work for me...

2011-03-14 Thread Tito Garrido
Not sure why but cron never worked for me... 0-59/1 * * * * root *admin/test def test(): mail.send('titogarr...@gmail.com','test','teste') return 'test' Nothing happens... I've tried locally and on webfaction... What I am doing wrong? Also how can I use external cron? I couln't

[web2py] cron doesn't work

2011-02-16 Thread LightOfMooN
Hello I have web2py installed with setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh It runs with Apache mod_wsgi. Crontab of myapp is: */1 * * * * root *cron/test And function: def test(): shop = db(db.shops.id==8).select().first() new = shop.daystodelete + 1 shop.update_record(daystodelete=new)

[web2py] CRON doesn't work

2010-11-04 Thread Sverre
My cron tab looking like this #crontab */2 * * * * root *sys/test_cron @hourly root *applications/mm/cron/expire_sessions.py but this doesn' work. My test cron function is from time import ctime def test_cron(): db.dbg.insert(dbgmsg=ctime()) db.commit() return ready

Re: [web2py] CRON doesn't work

2010-11-04 Thread Vinicius Assef
Sverre, I think you must use your own application crontab, located at applications/your_app/cron I suggest you create a python script without any functions inside it, to isolate your cron job, and put it in applications/your_app/private/. I do this here and it works nice. Following my advice,