What i want to achieve is to disable the quantity button in my shopping 
application that allows buyers to select the number of items they want if 
their number exceeds the number of available items. In my mind I can only 
achieve this if i were able to check first the quantity of the items we 
have and if they are not smaller than the client's requested amount as the 
client is still in the process of buying while clicking the quantity 
button, I am not sure on how to achieve this!

    .disabled {
  opacity: 0.65; 
  cursor: not-allowed;

<h7 class="amt {{='red' if p.amount<=5 else ''}}">{{=p.amount}} available 
in stock</h7>
        <span style="color: aqua; font-weight: bold;">
    <img id="item" class="magnify" src="{{=URL('download',args=p.image)}}" 
    <br />
pill')}} - <span id="{{='item%s'%p.id}}" style="font-weight: bold; color: 
red;">{{=session.cart.get(p.id,0)}}</span> in cart - 
    *<span class="{{='disabled' if p.amount > 'item%s'%p.id else 
''}}">{{=A('Add to 
The highlighted part is where the button span should be getting disabled if 
the condition is satisfied the problem is i have not figured out a way to 
check first if the client's amount is higher than what we have in our stock!

The cart_callback function is the one that counts the number of items and 
adds them to the cart as the client clicks the button
def cart_callback():
    id = int(request.vars.id)
    if request.vars.action == 'add':
    if request.vars.action == 'sub':
    return str(session.cart[id])

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