
I've a question. I'm using a semi automated approach to deploying my app. I 
manage my code through a private BitBucket repo. On my server I have a cron 
job checking for changes a few times per day. When it finds changes in the 
repo stops apache (mod_wsgi), pulls source, restarts apache. On my second 
deployment, it started bombing. Looking at /errors/ of my app I found that 
it is trying to define the models and since the sqlite table already 
exists, it craps out and issues a ticket. In a staging environment, I 
modified the in my models so that the sqlite DB had a new name (and 
thus would create it), and it worked fine. I tried migrate=False but that 
din't work either. The only thing that worked was creating a new sqlite DB. 
Any idea what can be causing this? Thx.

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