I need to auto-populate my 'ranks' drop-down based on the value selected in 
the 'department' one.

This is my script:

$("#department").change(function() {
$("#ranks").load("?dpt=" + $("#department").val());

As you can see, I pass *dpt *var to my current function. This is it's code:

def add_experience():

    ranks = db(db.rank.department_id == 

    result = ""

    for r in ranks:
        result += "<option value='" + str(r.id) + "'>" + r.name + 

    return dict(result=XML(result))

When I select a value in the first drop-down, a request is being sent to 
[controller]/add_experience?dpt=[value selected]. However the second 
drop-down does not populate with respective data - it's empty. I'm clearly 
missing something. Any help?


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