Using the following controller the first page shows up and everything works
as expected until I select a next page of the grid.

First page:

<Storage {'_formkey': 'c8868643-80d8-406a-b1b9-cb87304ad4aa', 'tt':
'article', '_formname': 'no_table/create', 'tabel': 'ufs'}>

On the second page there is no 'tt 'nor 'tabel'.


The controller is below.


def lys_vermiste_titels():
    tabel = request.vars.tabel
    tt = #titelveld
    t = Univ(db) #module with db.define_table...

-----> Error occurs here.  tabel == None

    db[tabel].id.represent = lambda value, row: A(T('check'),
                         _href = URL(r = request, c = 'default',
                                   f = 'hanteer_vermiste_titels',
                                       vars = dict(prof_id = value, tabel =
tabel, tt = tt)))
    query =  db[tabel].titel_reg == False
    fields = [db[tabel].id, db[tabel][tt]]
    tb  = SQLFORM.grid(query,
                       #left = db.akb_articles.on(db.akb_articles.ltitle ==
                       fields = fields, details = False, csv=False,
                       maxtextlength = 140,
                       editable = False, searchable = False, create = False,
                       deletable = False)
   lengte = len(tb)
    if lengte:
        result =[]
        opskrif = H2(T("Title in %s and not in AKB") % tabel)
        opskrif = H2(T('All the article titles in %s are in AKB') % tabel)
        tb = H3(P(T('No absent titles.')))
    if lengte:
        opskrif = H2(T("Titles in %s that are not in  AKB") % tabel)
        opskrif = H2(T('All the article titles in %s are in AKB') % tabel)
        tb = H3(P(T('No absent titles.')))
    return dict(vorm = tb, opskrif = opskrif)

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

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