I read about many limitations if I will use GAE for web2py, nevertheless it 
will not stop me :-)
I think that main issue is to properly use memcaches. Is it enought to use 
only cache.memcache and if yes what is the best way to use it? I plan to 
use it for sessions a for selected results stored as dict, because I don't 
want drain free quota on GAE to early. 
But is it enough? Current DAL layer for GAE (google:datastore) is based on 
db.Model but I think that some cache issues could be better solved if we 
will use ndb.Model. I tried to modify dal.py to support it like google:ndb, 
but I'm new in Python and I'm little bit shy to publish it because 
modification is not so purely written and fully tested :-) 
Do you have experience with that also?


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