
Let say I have 2 tables:

db.define_table('post', Field('content'))
db.define_table('comment', Field('content'), Field('post', 'reference post))

When I add a "post" (through a FORM), I would like to automatically add 3 
comments that refer to that post.
How can I retrieve the ID of the just inserted post and add the 
comments referring to it?

Currently, I handle to form to add a post like this:
def add_post():
   form = SQLFORM(db.post)
   if form.validate():
           comments = generateAutoComments()
       except Exception, e:
           response.flash = "Errors generating comments (%s)" % e.message
           if form.process().accepted:
               # I guess here I would like to add all the comments to that 
just added post?
               response.flash = 'Post added!'
   return locals()

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