
I need to develop a web service that listen to webhook calls from a woocommerce site, I thought to write a little check class to pass to auth.requires decorator like the following:

class HookCheck(object):
    secret = ''

    def __init__(self):
        super(HookCheck, self).__init__()

    def compute(self, body):
        dig = hmac.new(self.secret.encode(),
            msg = body.encode(), # your_bytes_string
            digestmod = hashlib.sha256
        computed = base64.b64encode(dig).decode()
        return computed

    def __call__(self):
        signature = ''                        # <- how can I get from the request headers?
        body = request.body.read() # <- Is it the right string to encode?
        computed = self.compute(body)
        print signature, computed, signature==computed
        return signature==computed

@auth.requires(HookCheck(), requires_login=False)
def listenToHooks():
    return {}

can somebody help me to get the correct values of the hook signature and the raw call body to check?

As far as I know the signature contained in the header field "X-Wc-Webhook-Signature" and I'm not sure if the string from which get the hmac hash is just what I get from the read method of the request.body object.

thank a lot


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