I found this to be a little out of conventional way...
Initially my app - http://hello-poll.appspot.com used to update tables
in this way -

method #1
db(db.choice.id==request.vars.cid).update(votes = db.choice.votes + 1)

^ This worked well on local web2py and appengine instance.

However on deploying on appspot the first method failed, the issue is
now resolved and I'm updating values in this way -

method #2
record = db(db.choice.id==request.vars.cid).select()[0]
db(db.choice.id==request.vars.cid).update(votes = record.votes + 1)

Is it a known issue? or is method #1 a wrong way of doing this?

Otherwise things were pretty smooth, and definitely a very easy
deployment on gae.


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