Here is a function which may be of interest. I have included some test 
input data.  
The data is not really nested-list because it doesn't have 'lft' and 'rgt' 
Rather this assumes that you are using a simple parent_id field to build a 
list suitable for superfish.  
If you come up with anything interesting,  please let me know.

def test_html_nodes(nodes,link_to_function='area'):
    if not nodes:
        nodes = [ 
        { 'id':1, 'parent_id':None, 'name':'a' },
        { 'id':2, 'parent_id':None, 'name':'b' },
        { 'id':3, 'parent_id':2, 'name':'c' },
        { 'id':4, 'parent_id':2, 'name':'d' },
        { 'id':5, 'parent_id':4, 'name':'e' },
        { 'id':6, 'parent_id':None, 'name':'f' }
    global output
    output = ''
    global count
    count = 0
    def build_node(node):
        global output
        li_id = ' id="%s"' % node['id']

        output += '<li%s>'%li_id + \
        output += '</li>'
    def build_nodes(node_parent_id):
        global output
        global count
        count += 1
        subnodes = [node for node in nodes if node['parent_id'] ==node_parent_id
        if len(subnodes) > 0 : 
            cl = ' class="sf-menu sf-vertical sf-js-enabled sf-shadow"' ifcount 
==1 else ''
            output += '<ul%s>' % cl
            [build_node(subnode) for subnode in subnodes]
            output += '</ul>'
    build_nodes(None) # Pass in None as a parent id to start with top level 
    return output

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