did you try those on a fresh app and a fresh database ? Those issue never 
rise if tables and values are managed by web2py, they only show up with 
wrong migrations, legacy tables, etc . I use datetime fields and MSSQL2008 
with no issues at all.

Il giorno mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013 13:26:45 UTC+1, Gottfried Stauffenberg 
ha scritto:
> I have been trying to test to use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R1 as a back 
> end for an web2py application. I have encountered the usual cascading 
> deletes issue and have solved it by setting the On Delete action to no 
> action. 
> However I still do not get the test app running as there seems to be an 
> issue with the conversion of datetime fields such as the standard 
> created_on fields to the MSSQL format. I believe it is because 
> datetime.now() has a higher microsecond precision (6 digits) than MSSQL (3 
> digits). The tables in MSSQL were all created by web2py, so there cannot be 
> a migration issue. I cannot even create a new user as the registration 
> process is using a datetime field in one of the auth tables as well.
> In searching the internet I found a similar issue way back in 2009, but 
> nothing since then. I know the answer was that it is a MSSQL configuration 
> issue, but I can not change the configuration. Has anybody any idea how I 
> could maybe truncate the timestamp before the insert statement?
> Error Message (in German)
> <class 'pyodbc.DataError'> ('22007', '[22007] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server 
> Driver][SQL Server]Bei der Konvertierung eines varchar-Datentyps in einen 
> datetime-Datentyp liegt der Wert au\xdferhalb des g\xfcltigen Bereichs. 
> (242) (SQLExecDirectW); [01000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL 
> Server]Die Anweisung wurde beendet. (3621)')
> Database schema besides the usual authentication tables from :
> ########################################
> db.define_table('t_currency',
>     Field('f_name', type='string',
>           label=T('Name')),
>     auth.signature,
>     format='%(f_name)s',
>     migrate=settings.migrate)
> db.define_table('t_currency_archive',db.t_currency,Field('current_record','reference
> t_currency',readable=False,writable=False))
> ########################################
> db.define_table('t_test',
>     Field('f_name', type='string',
>           label=T('Name')),
>     Field('f_value', type='double',
>           label=T('Value')),
>     Field('f_curr', type='reference t_currency',
>           label=T('Curr')),
>     auth.signature,
>     format='%(f_name)s',
>     migrate=settings.migrate)
> db.define_table('t_test_archive',db.t_test,Field('current_record','reference 
> t_test',readable=False,writable=False))


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