You can do that. At three levels:

1) in models

from import Auth
class MyAuth(Auth): pass # extend as needed

2) in controllers:

normally in there is

def user(): return dict(form=auth())

you can move this code in another controller and break it up into
seperate actions for example

def login(): return dict(form=auth.login())

3) in views there is a


again you can rewrite this as you see fit and break it into multiple

On Feb 4, 6:25 pm, pbreit <> wrote:
> Pardon me if this is a naive question but I'm wondering if it would make
> sense to pull all of the user functionality out of gluon and put it in the
> app? I ask because there are quite a few customizations I'd like to do and
> am not really sure where to start.
> Could not "user" be delivered from an app controller (plus views)?

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