Thanks Jim!
Wonder how that escaped me. :)

On Dec 10, 12:21 am, Jim Steil <> wrote:
> Not tested, but I'd do something like this...
> #controller
> def new_tank():
>      db.container.type.writable = False
>      db.container.type.readable = False
>      db.container.type.default = 'tank'
>      form = SQLFORM(db.container)
>      if form.process().accepted:
>          response.flash = 'New Question Successful'
>      elif form.errors:
>          response.flash = 'Oops there are errors'
>      return dict(form=form)
> On 12/9/2011 9:53 AM, lyn2py wrote:
> > For the code:
> > #model
> > db.define_table('container',
> >    Field('type','string',requires=IS_IN_SET(['cup','bowl','tank'])),
> >    Field('title', 'string', length=255)
> >    Field('description', 'text'),
> > )
> > #controller
> > def new_tank():
> >      form = SQLFORM(db.container)
> >      if form.process().accepted:
> >          response.flash = 'New Question Successful'
> >      elif form.errors:
> >          response.flash = 'Oops there are errors'
> >      return dict(form=form)
> > I want to set a default db.container.type in controller, in this case,
> > "tank".
> > i.e. the vars inserted into the db includes type="tank", but this is
> > not shown to the user filling up the form (I don't want it to be
> > tampered by the user).
> > It is a fixed value for type (in another function, it takes a
> > different fixed value)
> > How can I do this with form.process() or form.accepts()? (or other
> > better ways?)
> > Thanks!

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