The oncreate function is pointless because the only thing it does is 
conditionally alter the form errors and vars, but then it redirects -- so 
nothing happens with the altered form errors and vars (the redirect results 
in a new request, so nothing from the current request is preserved).

You onvalidation function should be getting called as expected. If you are 
not seeing the validations you are expecting, likely there are some errors 
in the code.

Also, in the conditional block near the end of your code, you set 
session.flash, but the code then does a return rather than a redirect. 
session.flash is typically set right before a redirect because it doesn't 
get displayed until the next request (when a new request comes in, it 
checks for session.flash and transfers it to response.flash).


On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 6:55:47 AM UTC-5, Yebach wrote:
> Hello
> I have a custom form from SQLFORM.grid. After clicking the submit button 
> onvalidation or oncreate funciton are not triggered - although some fields 
> are validated, but that is even before the my_processing_form function 
> there is no redirect after submit and the record is not inserted/updated in 
> the database. I used the same principle with some other functions and views 
> and there it works fine, but I have no idea why at this one the on validate 
> is not triggered.
> If anyone sees  the error please let me know
> Here is my function
> def shifts():
>     user = auth.user_id
>     org = db( == 
> user).select(db.auth_user.organization)[0]["organization"]
>     db.workers.w_user.default = user
>     db.workers.w_organization.default = org
>     #####Naredimo še grid za šifrant turnusov
>     db.shifts.sh_organization.default = org
>     query_shifts = ((db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & (db.shifts.sh_status 
> == 1))
>     query_inactive = db((db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & 
> (db.shifts.sh_status == 100)).select().as_list()
>     # print query_inactive
>     ###V kolikor uporabnik naredi turnus ki je že ampak je 
> arhiviran/deaktiviran ga je potrebno na to opozorit
>     ##Določimo da ne more bit za istga userja dvakrat isti turnus
>     # db.shifts.sh_code.requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.shifts.sh_organization == 
> org),'shifts.sh_code')
>     # najprej popravmo definicijo tabele
>     fields_shifts = (
>         db.shifts.sh_code,
>         db.shifts.sh_name,
>         db.shifts.sh_color,
>         db.shifts.sh_category,
>         db.shifts.sh_start1,
>         db.shifts.sh_end1,
>         db.shifts.sh_length1,
>         db.shifts.sh_start2,
>         db.shifts.sh_end2,
>         db.shifts.sh_length2,
>         db.shifts.sh_duration1,
>         #     db.shifts.sh_start3,
>         #     db.shifts.sh_end3,
>         #     db.shifts.sh_start4,
>         #     db.shifts.sh_end4,
>         #     db.shifts.sh_start5,
>         #     db.shifts.sh_end5,
>         db.shifts.sh_note)
>     db.shifts.sh_organization.readable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_organization.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_organization.editable = False
>     # db.shifts.sh_code.editable = db.shifts.sh_code.writable = False
>     # db.shifts.sh_duration.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_duration1.readable = db.shifts.sh_duration1.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_start3.readable = db.shifts.sh_start3.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_end3.readable = db.shifts.sh_end3.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_length3.readable = db.shifts.sh_length3.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_start4.readable = db.shifts.sh_start4.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_length4.readable = db.shifts.sh_length4.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_end4.readable = db.shifts.sh_end4.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_start5.readable = db.shifts.sh_start5.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_length5.readable = db.shifts.sh_length5.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_end5.readable = db.shifts.sh_end5.writable = False
>     db.shifts.sh_code.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget
>     db.shifts.sh_name.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget
>     db.shifts.sh_note.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget
>     db.shifts.partner_id.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.integer.widget
>     #db.shifts.sh_category.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.integer.widget
>     #db.shifts.sh_start1 = SQLFORM.widgets.time.widget
>     #db.shifts.sh_start1 = SQLFORM.widgets.timewidget.widget
>     db.shifts.sh_code.requires = [IS_NOT_IN_DB(db((db.shifts.sh_organization 
> == org)&(db.shifts.sh_status != 250)), 'shifts.sh_code',
>                                                error_message=T('Shift with 
> this code already exist. Follow the link in upper right corner'))]
>     db.shifts.sh_name.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('Missing shift 
> name'))]
>     db.shifts.sh_color.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('Missing 
> shift color'))]
>     db.shifts.sh_start1.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('Missing 
> start time of the shift'))]
>     db.shifts.sh_end1.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('Missing end 
> time of the shift'))]
>     # db.shifts.sh_category.requires = 
> [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T("""Missing shift category.1 – Morning, 11- 
> Afternoon, 21 – Night
>     #                                                                 101 – 
> All day,121 – All night,201 – Day split"""))]
>     db.shifts.partner_id.requires = 
> IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_NOT_IN_DB(db((db.shifts.sh_organization == org)
>                                                     & (db.shifts.sh_status != 
> 250)
>                                                     & (db.shifts.partner_id 
> == request.vars.partner_id)
>                                                     & (db.shifts.partner_id 
> >= 0)), db.shifts.partner_id,
>                                               error_message=T('There is a 
> shift with the same partned ID.')))
>     links = [lambda row: A('', _class='glyphicon glyphicon 
> glyphicon-remove-sign',
>                            callback=URL('settings', 'deactivate',
>                                         vars=dict(table='shifts', 
> field='sh_status',]
>     #Tole je funcija ki preverja če je ok zta deljen delovni čas
>     """Turnus je deljen lahko samo v enem dnevu.
>     Zato ni dovoljen zapis
>     0600-1400&1800-1300
>     """
>     def my_form_processing_new_shifts(form):
>         shift_name = form.vars.sh_name
>         shifts = db((db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & (db.shifts.sh_name 
> == shift_name) & (db.shifts.sh_status != 250)).select()
>         partner_id = form.vars.partner_id
>         if shifts:
>             form.errors.sh_name = T('Shift with this nick name already 
> exists!')
>         if not partner_id or partner_id == '':
>             form.vars.partner_id = -1
>         redirect(URL('settings', 'shifts'))
>     def my_form_processing_edit_shifts(form):
>         partner_id = form.vars.partner_id
>         sh_category = form.vars.sh_category
>         # if not partner_id or partner_id == '':
>         #     form.vars.partner_id = -1
>         # print
>         # print form.vars
>         # print
>         start1 = form.vars.sh_start1
>         end1 = form.vars.sh_end1
>         #start2 že pride kot datetime - Do not ask me why
>         start2 = form.vars.sh_start2
>         end2 = form.vars.sh_end2
>         # print "start1 ",start1
>         # print "end1 ",end1
>         # print "start2 ",start2
>         # print "end2 ", end2
>         if start1:
>             start1 = start1.split(":")
>             start1 = start1[0] + ":" + start1[1]
>             start1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(start1,'%H:%M').time()
>         if end1:
>             end1 = end1.split(":")
>             end1 = end1[0] + ":" + end1[1]
>             end1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(end1,'%H:%M').time()
>         #ker mi vrača čas end1 00:00 kot string ostalo pa kot time
>         #vsah en člas more bit
>         if start1 and end1 is None:
>             form.errors.sh_end1 = T('Please insert end time')
>         #če je neki vnešen v start2 pol more bit tut v end2
>         if start1 and end1 and start2 and  end2 is None and end2 != 
> datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time():
>             form.errors.sh_end2 = T('Please insert end time')
>         if start1 and end1 and start2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', 
> '%H:%M').time() and end2 is None:
>             form.errors.sh_end2 = T('Please insert end time')
>         if start1 and end1 and start2 is None and end2:
>             form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Please insert start time')
>         if start1 and end1 and start2 is None and end2 == 
> datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time():
>             form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Please insert start time')
>         if start1 and end1 and start2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', 
> '%H:%M').time() and end2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', 
> '%H:%M').time():
>             form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Second part of the shift cannot last 
> 24hours')
>             form.errors.sh_end2 = T('Second part of the shift cannot last 
> 24hours')
>         #Če so vsi časi morjo bit vsak večji od drucga, razen zadn je lahko 
> 0:00
>         if (start1 and end1 and start2 and end2) or \
>             start1 and end1 and start2 and end2 == 
> datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() or \
>             (start1 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() 
> and end1 and start2 and end2 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', 
> '%H:%M').time()) or\
>             (start1 == datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() 
> and end1 and start2 and end2):
>             if end1 <= start1:
>                 form.errors.sh_end1 = T('End time 1 cannot be before Start 
> time 1')
>             if end1 >= start2:
>                 form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Start time 2 cannot be before End 
> time 1')
>             if end1 >= start2:
>                 form.errors.sh_start2 = T('Start time 2 cannot be before End 
> time 1')
>             if end2 <= start2 and end2 != datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', 
> '%H:%M').time():
>                 form.errors.sh_end2 = T('End time must be later than Start 
> time')
>         """Če user izbere kategorijo NA- 0, mu jo mi izračunamo glede na to 
> kdaj se je time_start1
>         SET sh_category = 0 --> tole spremeniti
>         --- če se začne od 00-11:59 je 10
>         --- če se začne od 12-18:59 je 20
>         --- če se začne od 19-23:59 je 30
>         """
>         if int(sh_category) == 0:
>             if datetime.datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M').time() <= start1 
> <= datetime.datetime.strptime('11:59', '%H:%M').time():
>                 form.vars.sh_category = 10
>             elif datetime.datetime.strptime('12:00', '%H:%M').time() <= 
> start1 <= datetime.datetime.strptime('18:59', '%H:%M').time():
>                 form.vars.sh_category = 20
>             elif datetime.datetime.strptime('19:00', '%H:%M').time() <= 
> start1 <= datetime.datetime.strptime('23:59', '%H:%M').time():
>                 form.vars.sh_category = 30
>         # redirect(URL('settings', 'shifts'))
>     grid_shifts = SQLFORM.grid(query=query_shifts,
>                         fields=fields_shifts,orderby=db.shifts.sh_code,
>                                searchable=False, create=True,
>                         deletable=False, editable=True, paginate=100, 
> buttons_placement='right',
>                         user_signature=True,
>                         showbuttontext=False,
>                                formname='shiftTable',
>                                onvalidation=my_form_processing_edit_shifts,
>                                oncreate=my_form_processing_new_shifts,
>                         formargs=dict(message_onsuccess=T('New record 
> inserted'),
>                                              message_onfailure=T('Form has 
> errors')),
>                         links=links,
>                         # oncreate=myfunction,
>                                ui=dict(widget='',
>                                        header='',
>                                        content='',
>                                        default='',
>                                        cornerall='',
>                                        cornertop='',
>                                        cornerbottom='',
>                                        button='button btn btn-default',
>                                        buttontext='buttontext button',
>                                        buttonadd='icon plus icon-plus 
> glyphicon glyphicon-plus',
>                                        buttonback='icon leftarrow 
> icon-arrow-left glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left',
>                                        buttonexport='icon downarrow 
> icon-download glyphicon glyphicon-download',
>                                        buttondelete='icon trash icon-trash 
> glyphicon glyphicon-trash',
>                                        buttonedit='icon pen icon-pencil 
> glyphicon glyphicon-pencil',
>                                        buttontable='icon rightarrow 
> icon-arrow-right glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right',
>                                        buttonview='icon magnifier 
> icon-zoom-in glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open',
>                                        buttonvidov='icon glyphicon 
> glyphicon-euro'
>                                        ),
>                         exportclasses=dict(csv=False, 
> csv_with_hidden_cols=False,
>                                                    html=False, 
> tsv_with_hidden_cols=False,json=False, tsv= False, xml = False))
>     #  for input in grid_shifts.elements('input', _class='string'):
>     #     input['_class'] = 'testniKlass'
>     if request.args and request.args[0] in ['edit', 'new']:
>         # dolocamo sirino polj
>         form = grid_shifts.create_form or grid_shifts.update_form
>         #grid_shifts.element('input[name=sh_color]')['_style'] = 'width:30%'
>         "PReverjanje polj za čase"
>         # form = grid_shifts.element('.web2py_form')
>         # form = grid_shifts.create_form or grid_shifts.update_form
>         if form.errors["sh_code"] == "Shift with this code already exist. 
> Follow the link in upper right corner":
>             codeField = form.vars.sh_code
>             if codeField or codeField != '':
>                 redId = db((db.shifts.sh_code == codeField) & 
> (db.shifts.sh_organization == org) & (db.shifts.sh_status != 
> 250)).select().first().id
>         #         shiftId = db(db.shifts.sh_code == 
> codeField).select(
>         #         redId =  shiftId[0]["id"]
>                 url_ = URL('shifts/edit/shifts', args=redId)
>                 'static', 'js/web2py-bootstrap3.js'
>                 session.flash = A(
>                     T("Click here if you want to activate shift with that 
> code or if you want to be redirected to the shift."),
>                     _href=url_)
>         return dict(form = form, query_inactive = query_inactive)
>         # if form.accepts(request.vars, 
> session,onvalidation=my_form_processing):
>         #     session.flash = T('Shift inserted')
>         #     redirect(URL())
>     return dict(grid_shifts=grid_shifts, query_inactive=query_inactive)

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