> *views/default/index.html*
> ...
> <script>
> $(function () {
>     $(document).ready(function () {
>         *// pie json url*
>         $.getJSON('', 
> function(data) {
>             $('#pie_json').highcharts({
>                 ...
>                 series: [{
>                     type: 'pie',
>                     name: '{{=T('JSON') }} ',
>                     data: data
>                 }]
>             });
>         });

The above JS code is making an Ajax call *after* the index page has loaded, 
so this chart cannot be drawn until after that Ajax call completes.

>         *// pie python for loop loaded faster, show pie chart first*
>         $('#pie_python').highcharts({
>             ...
>             series: [{
>                 type: 'pie',
>                 name: '{{=T('Python') }} ',
>                 data: [
>                 {{for row in rows:}}
>                     ['{{=T(row.product.name) }}', {{=row.price}} ],
>                 {{pass}}
>                 ]
>             }]

The above Python for loop runs on the server *before* the index page is 
sent to the browser. The data are therefore already available in the index 
page when it first loads, so the chart can be rendered immediately on page 
load without first having to make an Ajax call to get the data.

So, this has nothing to do with a for loop vs. response.json -- it's just 
that in one case you have the data immediately available upon page load and 
in the other you have to first wait to get the data via an Ajax request. No 
matter how long the for loop takes, it always happens before the page is 
even sent to the browser, so it is not a relevant part of the comparison.


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