The solution is to put the table and the form in a div not in a dict. 
Simple enough.. ^^

On Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 10:35:42 PM UTC+2, Lars wrote:
> Hi,
> Those are my first steps with ajax, so please indulge me.. :)
> I have a list of divs describing objects. Id like to click on one div so 
> that it sends the object id in an ajax call which would open a div at the 
> top with the object description and a form to bid on it. I don't know how 
> to send the id to a LOAD function and the poor result I got so far led to a 
> already submitted form which give the validator error message (here a 
> decimal in range).
> So this is what I have so far : cf. test code
> so when this code runs it render a new whole page containing the table in 
> the div. If I add the form in the dict, it just renders nothing.
> :
> db.define_table('objects', Field('name'), Field('price'))
> # demo data
> db.objects.bulk_insert([dict(name='station', price=52), dict(name='desk', 
> price=52), dict(name='glass', price=52), dict(name='beer', price=52)])
> def index():
>     # get objects list
>     current_objects = db(db.objects).select().as_list()
>     return dict(current_objects=current_objects)
> def object_desc():
>     oid = request.vars.oid
>     # get object description
>     object_desc = db( == oid).select()
>     name = object_desc[0].name
>     price = object_desc[0].price
>     object_desc = TABLE(TH('object Details', _colspan="2"),
>                         TR('Name : ', TD(name, _colspan="3")),
>                         TR('Price : ', TD(price, _colspan="3"))
>                         )
>     form = SQLFORM(
>     return dict(oid=oid, object_desc=object_desc)
> index.html
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> {{n = 0}}
> <div id="object_tools" style="display: none; color: white; 
> background-color: black; width: 500px;height: 500px;">
> </div>
> <div class="container-fluid">
>     <div class="row">
>         <div class="col-xs-6">{{=T('Name')}}</div>
>         <div class="col-xs-6">{{=T('Price')}}</div>
>     </div>
>     {{for object_ in current_objects:}}
>     {{n += 1}}
>     <div class="col-xs-12"
>     onclick="$('#object_tools').slideToggle(); var oid={{=object_['id']}}; 
> ajax('object_desc?oid=' + oid, [], 'object_tools');">
>         <div class="col-xs-6">{{=object_['name']}}</div>
>         <div class="col-xs-6">{{=object_['price']}}</div>
>     </div>
>     {{pass}}
> </div>
> Thanks

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