And the solution is to add fake_migrate=True into the DAL statement and the 
auth.define_tables statement.

On Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 6:35:05 PM UTC-7 james c. wrote:

> db = DAL(myconf.get('db.uri'),
> auto_import = True,
> ignore_field_case = True, 
> entity_quoting = False,
> pool_size = 10
> migrate = True,
> migrate_enabled = True,
> check_reserved = ['common'], 
> lazy_tables = False)
> . . .
> auth = Auth(db, host_names=myconf.get('host.names'))
> auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'] = [
> Field('organization', length=128, label=T('Organization')),
> Field('address', length=128, label=T('Street Address'), 
> requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY()]),
> Field('city', length=64, label=T('City'), requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY()]),
> Field('statename', length=64, label=T('State'), requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY()]),
> Field('zip', length=8, label=T('Zip Code'),
> requires=[IS_MATCH(r'^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$', error_message='not a zip code')]),
> Field('phone', length=16, label=T('Phone Number'), requires=[IS_LENGTH(16, 
> 10)])]
> auth.define_tables(username=True, signature=True)  <--- fails here
> """
> This application was developed on windows, The application is now on 
> ubuntu 16.04. The database exist and this code, as it is above, is trying 
> to create a table, auth_user, that already exists. When migrate=True, this 
> is not suppose to happen - but it is. The table auth_user" already exists 
> and the code fails at auth.define_tables(username=True, signature=True), 
> with the following message: 
> DuplicateTable: relation "auth_user" already exists
> Thanks in advance, any recommendations appreciated, James

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