[web2py] Re: write view into an html file

2011-12-29 Thread Adi
Yes, indeed it works like a charm... We are switching DIVs into a table format, but everything else is good... Thank you Paolo! A.

[web2py] Re: write view into an html file

2011-12-29 Thread Paolo Caruccio
The plugin has all needed libraries to work and not requires that you install others. I used it in a my app and worked like a charm. Give it a try.

[web2py] Re: write view into an html file

2011-12-28 Thread Paolo Caruccio
try the solution in this discussion https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/GyQ8_szQFoI/discussion Happy Holidays.

[web2py] Re: write view into an html file

2011-12-28 Thread Adi
Thanks Paolo for your advice. What do you have to install to get the plugin working? If I understood properly, appreport plugin depends on xhtml2pdf, and that one depends on two-three other libraires: Reportlab Toolkit 2.2+ html5lib 0.11.1+ pyPdf 1.11+ (optional) Is this the only way how to

[web2py] Re: write view into an html file

2011-12-28 Thread Adi
got the html export into file working with code bellow: # write view html into file conf, po, skus = get_data(65)# test data view_template = os.path.join(request.folder, 'views/default', 'print_proforma_invoice.html') html = response.render(view_template, dict(conf=conf,