I have an sqlform that is not working as expected. I think I have the wrong 
sequence or something and would like some help with it.


# Days Form
if session.days:
    days_form = 
    days_form = SQLFORM(db.days, submit_button = 'Save',_id='days_form')
    if session.offer:
        days_form.vars.offer_id = session.offer['id']

if days_form.process().accepted:
    response.flash = 'Days form submitted'
    session.days = days_form.vars.id
    days_form = 
elif days_form.errors:
    response.flash = 'Days form has errors'

*Note: On the view, I am just displaying the form and adding a readonly 
attribute on some of the fields. Also, four sqlforms are loaded on this 
page, all coming from and going to the same controller. *

Current form behavior is,
1) When I submit this form the first time it saves all values (Great!)
2) Then it redirects to the same form again (Great again!)
3) But now when I change a value and submit the form, it does not update 
the changes, nor does it display any of the *response.flash* (Not Cool...)
4) It then redirects to the same form again (Great!)
5) Now when I change any value, the form submits and updates the values in 
the database. It also shows the *Days form submitted *response

I need to know why #3 is not working and how to fix it.

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