Hello all-

I have the same problem as the one explained here 
But as I have more specific informations, I start a new thread...

*My Model (simplified) : *
    Field('parent', 'reference page', label=T('Parent')),
    Field('title', unique=True, notnull=True, label=T('Title')))

db.page.parent.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, db.page.id, '%(title)s',zero
pageSelector = HierarchicalSelect(db, db.page, db.page.title, db.page.rank)
db.page.parent.widget = pageSelector.widget

The goal of the HierarchicalSelect widget is to have a "tree-view" of all 
my pages. More elegant than the default selector

*My Controller (simplified)*
def edit_page():
    page = db.page(request.args(0))
    crud.settings.update_deletable = False
    form = crud.update(db.page,page,next=URL('show_page', args=page.id))
return dict(form=form)

>From 2.8.2 update, when I update a page, I get an error : 
<class 'sqlite3.IntegrityError'> foreign key constraint failed

This error *occurs only when I update a page and select "<Empty>" value for 
the "parent" field.*
When I *remove the two following lines of my model definition, everything 
works fine*
pageSelector = HierarchicalSelect(db, db.page, db.page.title, db.page.rank)
db.page.parent.widget = pageSelector.widget

So the error seems to be in my HierarchicalSelect class.
*Here is the code : *
class HierarchicalSelect(object):
    def __init__(self, db, table_name, title_field, order_field):
        self.db = db
        self.tablename = table_name
        self.fieldname = None
        self.title = title_field
        self.order = order_field
        self.type = None
        self.hierarchyseparator = XML("&nbsp;"*4)

    def _childs_list(self, field, depth):
        path = self.hierarchyseparator*depth
        path += self.hierarchyseparator
        self.options.append((field['id'], path+field[self.title]))
        [self._childs_list(child, (depth+1)) for child in self.rows.find(
lambda row: row.parent == field.id)]   

    def widget(self, field, value):
        self.fieldname = field.name
        self.type = field.type
        self.rows = self.db(self.tablename).select(orderby=self.order)
        self.options.append(("", T('<Empty>'))) #add root node

        [self._childs_list(field,0) for field in self.rows.find(lambda row:row
.parent < 1)] 
        opt=[OPTION(name, _value=key) for key,name in self.options]
        sel = SELECT(opt,_id="%s_%s" % (self.tablename, self.fieldname),
        return sel

*HTML generated with the default SELECT helper for the first option (the option 
that causes error)*

<select class="generic-widget" id="page_parent" name="parent"><option 

*HTML generated with my Widget* *for the first option (the option that causes 
<select class="generic-widget" id="page_parent" name="parent"><option 

The HTML seems to be the same, so I don't understand what's wrong with my 

Can anybody help me with that?
Thank you

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