Hello everyone!

I am evaluating web2py framework for suitability in order to accomplish one 
of my client's project - basically, an application reading the data from 
the database and displaying it on interactive charts, depending on the 
options chosen. Web2py seems to be a perfect choice as application is going 
to be used by fairly big but yet limited number of users, and the 
pre-configuration pre-configuration pre-configuration, DAL model and admin 
panel it provides perfectly suites my needs.

There is one demand I have that I cannot easily figure out from the book. I 
want to only allow one authenticated session at a time for an individual 
login in my application. When (if) I detect multiple logins using same 
credentials but from different machines I want to deny access to the second 
user and inform about the situation the first one (or other action 
accordingly). Regarding my studies, I fairly see it possible to fulfil this 
demand using web2py itself, but maybe some external libraries could help? 
Anyone ever faced same issue?

Thank you for advice!


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