Hi everybody,

this might be an implicit rocket problem, but because the SSL
parameters are passed on the command line of web2py, I thought to
address this here:

I am running a website based on web2py and installed SSL certificates
today to enable https. The corresponding files are passed with the '-
c' and '-k'  during startup of web2py. The certificate was obtained
from Verisign.

Now https access is working fine for IE, chrome etc., but not for
firefox, where I get an SSL error: sec_error_unknown_issuer

A bit of searching reveals, that I should pass the intermediary cert
of verisign to the web server. This can be done for example in the
Apache config file, if I would use Apache. But I am using the built-in
rocket and would like to keep it this way (for now).

Any idea how to make SSL work under firefox as a client and rocket as
a web server? Did anybody try?
Could it be, that we are missing a command line option for web2py?



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