hi Massimo,

I would like to have something like sqlsoup,
but I don't need it to inspect database to do class mapping or so
I am just interested to use dal syntax without defining my tables
( they are already in the database)

When I have to develop database parts I have 2 scenarios:
- everything is built from scratch
- database already exists and I should build some functionality
without altering database

for first scenario the current dal is great, web2py handles for me
database creation, migration, etc

for second part I am forced to define tables (or to use a tool that
generates dal equivalent  structure)
but I think I don't need that, I would like an option that will let
dal expression to behave like simple sql,
without checking if table is defined or if sql fields are part of this
table, and to let my self to be sure that table and fields names are

I think it should look like that

db = DAL('conn string', define_tables=False)
db.table1.insert(field1=1, field2='aa')

I think that is possible because DAL expressions are translated to sql
then executed,
and this implementation will need just to skip some checking in the

PS: I'm ok if sqlforms will not work in this mode

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