I have linked my sql database with web2py and when I am making any grid of 
a table and making deletable=True Its not working 
I have attached my db.py along.
What may be the problem

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

## This scaffolding model makes your app work on Google App Engine too
## File is released under public domain and you can use without limitations

## if SSL/HTTPS is properly configured and you want all HTTP requests to
## be redirected to HTTPS, uncomment the line below:
# request.requires_https()

if not request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
    ## if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
    db = DAL('mysql://root:saurabh@localhost/phase4')
    ## connect to Google BigTable (optional 'google:datastore://namespace')
    db = DAL('google:datastore')
    ## store sessions and tickets there
    session.connect(request, response, db=db)
    ## or store session in Memcache, Redis, etc.
    ## from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
    ## from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
    ## session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))

## by default give a view/generic.extension to all actions from localhost
## none otherwise. a pattern can be 'controller/function.extension'
response.generic_patterns = ['*'] if request.is_local else []
## (optional) optimize handling of static files
# response.optimize_css = 'concat,minify,inline'
# response.optimize_js = 'concat,minify,inline'

## Here is sample code if you need for
## - email capabilities
## - authentication (registration, login, logout, ... )
## - authorization (role based authorization)
## - services (xml, csv, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amf, rss)
## - old style crud actions
## (more options discussed in gluon/tools.py)

from gluon.tools import Auth, Crud, Service, PluginManager, prettydate
auth = Auth(db)
crud, service, plugins = Crud(db), Service(), PluginManager()

## create all tables needed by auth if not custom tables
auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)

## configure email
mail = auth.settings.mailer
mail.settings.server = 'logging' or 'smtp.gmail.com:587'
mail.settings.sender = 'y...@gmail.com'
mail.settings.login = 'username:password'

## configure auth policy
auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False
auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = False
auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True

## if you need to use OpenID, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.
## register with janrain.com, write your domain:api_key in private/janrain.key
from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import use_janrain
use_janrain(auth, filename='private/janrain.key')

## Define your tables below (or better in another model file) for example
## >>> db.define_table('mytable',Field('myfield','string'))
## Fields can be 'string','text','password','integer','double','boolean'
##       'date','time','datetime','blob','upload', 'reference TABLENAME'
## There is an implicit 'id integer autoincrement' field
## Consult manual for more options, validators, etc.
## More API examples for controllers:
## >>> db.mytable.insert(myfield='value')
## >>> rows=db(db.mytable.myfield=='value').select(db.mytable.ALL)
## >>> for row in rows: print row.id, row.myfield

## after defining tables, uncomment below to enable auditing
# auth.enable_record_versioning(db)

	SQLField('id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 ),
	SQLField('name', type = 'string' , length = 50 ),
	SQLField('salary', type = 'integer' , length = 9 ),
	SQLField('contact_number', type = 'string' , length = 15 ),
	SQLField('role', type = 'string' , length = 10 ),
	SQLField('chef_speciality', type = 'string' , length = 20 ),

	SQLField('item_code', type = 'integer' , length = 11 ),
	SQLField('name', type = 'string' , length = 100 ),
	SQLField('price', type = 'integer' , length = 6 ),
	SQLField('chef_id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.EMPLOYEE.id) ),

	SQLField('id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 ),
	SQLField('customer_name', type = 'string' , length = 50 ),
	SQLField('phone_number', type = 'string' , length = 15 ),
	SQLField('table_number', type = 'integer' , length = 4 ),
	SQLField('date', type = 'date' ),
	SQLField('waiter_id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.EMPLOYEE.id) ),

	SQLField('order_id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.ORDERS.id) ),
	SQLField('item_code', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.MENU.item_code) ),
	SQLField('quantity', type = 'integer' , length = 11 ),
	primarykey=['order_id', 'item_code'],

	SQLField('id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 ),
	SQLField('name', type = 'string' , length = 50 ),

	SQLField('id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 ),
	SQLField('name', type = 'string' , length = 100 ),
	SQLField('contact_number', type = 'string' , length = 15 ),
	SQLField('address', type = 'string' , length = 100 ),

	SQLField('id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 ),
	SQLField('vendor_id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.VENDOR.id) ),
	SQLField('stock_id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.STOCK_ITEMS.id) ),
	SQLField('quantity', type = 'double' ),
	SQLField('price', type = 'double' ),
	SQLField('date', type = 'date' ),
	SQLField('vendor_bill_number', type = 'integer' , length = 11 ),
	SQLField('remarks', type = 'text' ),

	SQLField('stock_id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.STOCK_ITEMS.id) ),
	SQLField('menu_item', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.MENU.item_code) ),
	SQLField('quantity_used', type = 'double' ),
	primarykey=['stock_id', 'menu_item'],

	SQLField('vendor_id', type = 'integer' , length = 11  , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.VENDOR.id) ),
	SQLField('stock_id', type = 'integer' , length = 11 , requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.STOCK_ITEMS.id) ),
	SQLField('price_per_unit', type = 'double' ),
	primarykey=['vendor_id', 'stock_id'],

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