[web2py] input validation

2014-02-28 Thread Asimionese Alexandru
hi, it's possible to validate an input after ai inserted it in a form? auth_form = auth.register() auth_form.custom.widget.ebayusername = INPUT(_name='ebayusername', _type='text', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()) auth_form[0].insert(-1, auth_form.custom.widget.ebayusername) response.view =

[web2py] input validation and redirection -- how?

2014-02-26 Thread Austin Taylor
Hello, I setup a form similar to the display form on the tutorial: def display_form(): form = FORM('Your name:', INPUT(_name='userinput', requires=IS_IPV4()),INPUT(_type='submit')) if form.process().accepted: session.flash = 'form accepted'

[web2py:/] Input validation

2009-10-01 Thread Sophie
Hi there my problem is when i validate my input, i have this code in the model db.define_table(Country, Field(nCountry, string, default=None, label=Name, notnull=True, requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY('Please insert a country name'), IS_UPPER(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,'Country.nCountry','This country is