I am trying delete all records with appadmin.
Error message is not very descriptive.
Any idea?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/main.py", line 464, in wsgibase
    session._try_store_in_db(request, response)
  File "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 1180, in 
    if not table._db(table.id == record_id).update(**dd):
  File "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/objects.py", line 
2054, in update
    ret = db._adapter.update("%s" % table._tablename, self.query, fields)
  File "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/adapters/base.py", 
line 1031, in update
    raise e
ProgrammingError: ('ERROR', '25P02', 'current transaction is aborted, 
commands ignored until end of transaction block')

ln 1026 - 1035:
        except Exception:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            table = self.db[tablename]
            if hasattr(table,'_on_update_error'):
                return table._on_update_error(table,query,fields,e)
            raise e

            return self.cursor.rowcount
            return None

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