I've finally done a scheduled task (and not for the project I thought I was 
going to).  In the current context, the plan is to use the scheduler to 
check for POSTs that have come in since the last run, and using the list as 
the body of a email notification to the steward/responsible-party who is 
supposed to monitor the list.  And for that, I need a "since" time.

For various reasons, in this project I have an artifact in the file system 
that's easy to fstat, but I'd like to know a more general solution for the 
next time (or maybe even this time, if I'm impressed enough).  Would that 
be to take the last row in scheduler_run that matched the function and had 
status COMPLETED?  If you don't have a return value, is there something 
else than scheduler_run entries that would be considered a good practice?

Sidebar:  I almost outsmarted myself on my scheduler task.   I put the real 
work into a module, and then did just a wrapper in the model code.  And I 
didn't think about return values, but once I got to where I wasn't getting 
a traceback but needed more debugging information, not having an entry left 
in scheduler_run was a handicap.  So I added print statements to the 
module.  Nada. I added a return statement to the module.  Nada.  Went out 
to the car to drive home, and realized ... the function in the model needed 
to return the return value.  Went back in added that, and voila!  

Sidebar 2:  For future readers, one further little detail was needed to get 
to voila ... restarting web2py for changes in either the model or module (I 
was using -K -X), because of when the "check for changes" code is applied 
by the scheduler, which is at startup.

So what do the fine folk here recommend for tracking the last time run?


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