I have an issue I cannot resolve. As I am not an expert, this is probably a 
personal bug (a 'stupid error'...). 
Thank in advance for any help.

Here is how this happens...

1. My db model has 2 tables and 2 rendering functions...

 def render_company(f_company = None, row = None):

  myreturn = ''

  if f_company:

     mycompany = db.t_txp_company(f_company)

     myreturn = mycompany.f_company

  return myreturn

 def render_employee(f_employee = None, row = None):

  myreturn = ''

  if f_employee:

   myuser = db.auth_user(f_employee)

   myreturn = myuser.first_name + ' ' + myuser.last_name

  return myreturn

 db.define_table('t_txp_company', Field('f_company'))


Field('f_company', 'reference t_txp_company'),

Field('f_employee', 'reference auth_user'))

db.t_txp_employee.f_company.represent = render_company

db.t_txp_employee.f_employee.represent = render_employee

2. My controller has a single smartgrid function


def company():

  formcompany = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.t_txp_company)

  return dict(formcompany=formcompany)

3. How my error occurs...

 - From the company smartgrid function, I create a companyn and then I 
create an employee for this company : this works fine

- Coming back to employee level, the rendering functions also work 
correctly (auth first name and last name are ok). 

- But at that level, if I want to view or edit the employee by clicking on 
the 'Edit' button , then you I get the following error ticket...

<type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'> field representation must take 1 or 2 args

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