Hi I am just trying to get into terms with plugin_wiki.

1. Am using the tagging widget and see that all tags are stored in two
tables:-plugin_wiki_tag and the related info in plugin_wiki_links.. Now as
of now I am concerned with plugin_wiki_links.

2. I am using plugin_wiki_links to tag my blogs all of which are there in a
table called blog. The blog table and plugin_wiki_links looks like this:-

   Table blog
   id   blogtitle  blogdata
   1    blog1      hii how are you
   2    blog2      hiiiiiiiiii
   3    blog3      heloooo

   id   tag   table    record_id
   1    1     blog      1
   1    1     blog      2
   1    1     blog      3

3.the basic agenda is to show all the blog links on a page with a specific

4. I dont want joins here as I have to use this on GAE.Now how i would do it
normally would be to get a list of all record_id from plugin_wiki_links
pertaining to say tag 1 . and then loop through the list using each element
to get the required blogtitle and blogdata from the table blog.

5. Now the question. How do I do this in plugin_wiki

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