I'm developing a newsletter system. Now I would like to create a grid that 
shows newsitems which are connected to a specific newsletter.

I got this:

def manageNewsitem():
    items = (db.newsletter_items.newsletter == request.args(0))
    grid = SQLFORM.grid(items)
    return dict(grid=grid)

Now when i go to *nieuwsbrief/manageNewsitem/1*, for some reason it 
redirects me to a page with an empty grid, showing "no records found"

But when I hard-code it like this..

def manageNewsitem():
    items = (db.newsletter_items.newsletter == 1)
    grid = SQLFORM.grid(items)
    return dict(grid=grid)

..and go to *niewsbrief/manageNewsitem*, It shows a grid with the items 
connected to the newsletter with ID 1 (like how it's supposed to happen)

Can anyone help me out with this?


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