On Fri, 4 Nov 2011 10:38:06 -0700 (PDT)

Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Massiomo,

> perhaps we should make a list of desired features.

After I put some more thought into it, I've arrived at the conclusion that,
imho, Concrete5 (http://www.concrete5.org/) is, philosophically closer to
web2py than Wordpress, so it would be nice if you can check it out briefly.

Here are some of the C5 features:

- in-context (inline) editing
- easy styling (very easy to convert HTML/CSS/JS design into C5 theme)
- pages are based on theme/template and bunch of blocks (can we call 'em
  widgets) which can be freely moved around the pre-defined slots (based on the
- based on MBC framework using jQuery, DA (ADOdb), Zend...
- advanced permission system
- sensible defaults with the ability for user to override (almost) everything
- lot of add-ons available

So, C5 is primarily CMS and not blog like WP, although there are few blogs
written as add-ons.

Having something like that based on web2py would bring horde of new users
(dunno if web2py devs are ready to embrace 'em) to web2py 'cause there is
simply no such beast available on the planet Earth combining such features
(e.g. easy designing of layout, inline editing, blocks...) with the well-known
advantages of web2py.

However, it might be that such project is more suitable for Web3py...it would
be pity if it should be rewritten.


In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, 
and a little advancement on this path can protect 
one from the most dangerous type of fear.

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