total requests/day
07/Aug/2011 40024
08/Aug/2011 68275
09/Aug/2011 75787
10/Aug/2011 101568
11/Aug/2011 262590
12/Aug/2011 102468
13/Aug/2011 67747
14/Aug/2011 63734

distinct visitors/day
07/Aug/2011 1159
08/Aug/2011 1972
09/Aug/2011 2102
10/Aug/2011 2496
11/Aug/2011 5119
12/Aug/2011 2551
13/Aug/2011 1737
14/Aug/2011 1659

Aug 11 the day of the Info World article. Notice that sunday/sunday we
got a +50% in the number of visitors/requests.

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