Title: [156074] trunk/Tools
2013-09-18 17:55:50 -0700 (Wed, 18 Sep 2013)

Log Message

W3C Test Import script reformats test HTML

Reviewed by Dirk Pranke.

Completely rewrite the test conversion process to minimize
reformatting when adding prefixes, etc. This isn't 100% perfect, there
are still places where it will end up changing the formatting, but it
is much better than before. Most notably, the public interface to the
test converter has changed: now one calls a method instead of creating
an instance of the test converter class. This is because the test
converter class now has state, so one really needs a new instance for
each test.

Note that this also lays some simple groundwork for being able to use
a MockHost in the tests.

* Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter.py:
* Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter_unittest.py:
* Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_importer.py:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Tools/ChangeLog (156073 => 156074)

--- trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2013-09-19 00:15:35 UTC (rev 156073)
+++ trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2013-09-19 00:55:50 UTC (rev 156074)
@@ -1,3 +1,47 @@
+2013-09-18  Bem Jones-Bey  <bjone...@adobe.com>
+        W3C Test Import script reformats test HTML
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=119159
+        Reviewed by Dirk Pranke.
+        Completely rewrite the test conversion process to minimize
+        reformatting when adding prefixes, etc. This isn't 100% perfect, there
+        are still places where it will end up changing the formatting, but it
+        is much better than before. Most notably, the public interface to the
+        test converter has changed: now one calls a method instead of creating
+        an instance of the test converter class. This is because the test
+        converter class now has state, so one really needs a new instance for
+        each test.
+        Note that this also lays some simple groundwork for being able to use
+        a MockHost in the tests.
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter.py:
+        (convert_for_webkit):
+        (_W3CTestConverter):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.__init__):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.output):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.add_webkit_prefix_to_unprefixed_properties):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.convert_style_data):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.convert_attributes_if_needed):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_starttag):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_endtag):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_startendtag):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_data):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_entityref):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_charref):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_comment):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_decl):
+        (_W3CTestConverter.handle_pi):
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter_unittest.py:
+        (W3CTestConverterTest):
+        (W3CTestConverterTest.fake_dir_path):
+        (W3CTestConverterTest.test_read_prefixed_property_list):
+        (verify_no_conversion_happened):
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_importer.py:
+        (TestImporter.import_tests):
 2013-09-18  Filip Pizlo  <fpi...@apple.com>
         Get rid of the jsc-test-list by moving all not-jsc-capable tests into js/dom

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter.py (156073 => 156074)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter.py	2013-09-19 00:15:35 UTC (rev 156073)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter.py	2013-09-19 00:55:50 UTC (rev 156074)
@@ -32,28 +32,56 @@
 from webkitpy.common.host import Host
 from webkitpy.common.webkit_finder import WebKitFinder
-from webkitpy.thirdparty.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Tag
+from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
 _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class W3CTestConverter(object):
+def convert_for_webkit(new_path, filename, host=Host()):
+    """ Converts a file's |contents| so it will function correctly in its |new_path| in Webkit.
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._host = Host()
+    Returns the list of modified properties and the modified text if the file was modifed, None otherwise."""
+    contents = host.filesystem.read_binary_file(filename)
+    converter = _W3CTestConverter(new_path, filename, host)
+    if filename.endswith('.css'):
+        return converter.add_webkit_prefix_to_unprefixed_properties(contents)
+    else:
+        converter.feed(contents)
+        converter.close()
+        return converter.output()
+class _W3CTestConverter(HTMLParser):
+    def __init__(self, new_path, filename, host=Host()):
+        HTMLParser.__init__(self)
+        self._host = host
         self._filesystem = self._host.filesystem
         self._webkit_root = WebKitFinder(self._filesystem).webkit_base()
+        self.converted_data = []
+        self.converted_properties = []
+        self.in_style_tag = False
+        self.style_data = []
+        self.filename = filename
+        resources_path = self.path_from_webkit_root('LayoutTests', 'resources')
+        resources_relpath = self._filesystem.relpath(resources_path, new_path)
+        self.new_test_harness_path = resources_relpath
         # These settings might vary between WebKit and Blink
         self._css_property_file = self.path_from_webkit_root('Source', 'WebCore', 'css', 'CSSPropertyNames.in')
         self._css_property_split_string = '='
-        self.prefixed_properties = self.read_webkit_prefixed_css_property_list()
+        self.test_harness_re = re.compile('/resources/testharness')
+        self.prefixed_properties = self.read_webkit_prefixed_css_property_list()
         prop_regex = '([\s{]|^)(' + "|".join(prop.replace('-webkit-', '') for prop in self.prefixed_properties) + ')(\s+:|:)'
         self.prop_re = re.compile(prop_regex)
+    def output(self):
+        return (self.converted_properties, ''.join(self.converted_data))
     def path_from_webkit_root(self, *comps):
         return self._filesystem.abspath(self._filesystem.join(self._webkit_root, *comps))
@@ -78,104 +106,7 @@
         # Ignore any prefixed properties for which an unprefixed version is supported
         return [prop for prop in prefixed_properties if prop not in unprefixed_properties]
-    def convert_for_webkit(self, new_path, filename):
-        """ Converts a file's |contents| so it will function correctly in its |new_path| in Webkit.
-        Returns the list of modified properties and the modified text if the file was modifed, None otherwise."""
-        contents = self._filesystem.read_binary_file(filename)
-        if filename.endswith('.css'):
-            return self.convert_css(contents, filename)
-        return self.convert_html(new_path, contents, filename)
-    def convert_css(self, contents, filename):
-        return self.add_webkit_prefix_to_unprefixed_properties(contents, filename)
-    def convert_html(self, new_path, contents, filename):
-        doc = BeautifulSoup(contents)
-        did_modify_paths = self.convert_testharness_paths(doc, new_path, filename)
-        converted_properties_and_content = self.convert_prefixed_properties(doc, filename)
-        return converted_properties_and_content if (did_modify_paths or converted_properties_and_content[0]) else None
-    def convert_testharness_paths(self, doc, new_path, filename):
-        """ Update links to testharness.js in the BeautifulSoup |doc| to point to the copy in |new_path|.
-        Returns whether the document was modified."""
-        # Look for the W3C-style path to any testharness files - scripts (.js) or links (.css)
-        pattern = re.compile('/resources/testharness')
-        script_tags = doc.findAll(src=""
-        link_tags = doc.findAll(href=""
-        testharness_tags = script_tags + link_tags
-        if not testharness_tags:
-            return False
-        resources_path = self.path_from_webkit_root('LayoutTests', 'resources')
-        resources_relpath = self._filesystem.relpath(resources_path, new_path)
-        for tag in testharness_tags:
-            # FIXME: We need to handle img, audio, video tags also.
-            attr = 'src'
-            if tag.name != 'script':
-                attr = 'href'
-            if not attr in tag.attrMap:
-                # FIXME: Figure out what to do w/ invalid tags. For now, we return False
-                # and leave the document unmodified, which means that it'll probably fail to run.
-                _log.error("Missing an attr in %s" % filename)
-                return False
-            old_path = tag[attr]
-            new_tag = Tag(doc, tag.name, tag.attrs)
-            new_tag[attr] = re.sub(pattern, resources_relpath + '/testharness', old_path)
-            self.replace_tag(tag, new_tag)
-        return True
-    def convert_prefixed_properties(self, doc, filename):
-        """ Searches a BeautifulSoup |doc| for any CSS properties requiring the -webkit- prefix and converts them.
-        Returns the list of converted properties and the modified document as a string """
-        converted_properties = []
-        # Look for inline and document styles.
-        inline_styles = doc.findAll(style=re.compile('.*'))
-        style_tags = doc.findAll('style')
-        all_styles = inline_styles + style_tags
-        for tag in all_styles:
-            # Get the text whether in a style tag or style attribute.
-            style_text = ''
-            if tag.name == 'style':
-                if not tag.contents:
-                    continue
-                style_text = tag.contents[0]
-            else:
-                style_text = tag['style']
-            updated_style_text = self.add_webkit_prefix_to_unprefixed_properties(style_text, filename)
-            # Rewrite tag only if changes were made.
-            if updated_style_text[0]:
-                converted_properties.extend(list(updated_style_text[0]))
-                new_tag = Tag(doc, tag.name, tag.attrs)
-                new_tag.insert(0, updated_style_text[1])
-                self.replace_tag(tag, new_tag)
-        # FIXME: Doing the replace in the parsed document and then writing it back out
-        # is normalizing the HTML, which may in fact alter the intent of some tests.
-        # We should probably either just do basic string-replaces, or have some other
-        # way of flagging tests that are sensitive to being rewritten.
-        # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=119159
-        return (converted_properties, doc.prettify())
-    def add_webkit_prefix_to_unprefixed_properties(self, text, filename):
+    def add_webkit_prefix_to_unprefixed_properties(self, text):
         """ Searches |text| for instances of properties requiring the -webkit- prefix and adds the prefix to them.
         Returns the list of converted properties and the modified text."""
@@ -193,9 +124,65 @@
             _log.info('  converting %s', prop)
         # FIXME: Handle the JS versions of these properties and GetComputedStyle, too.
-        return (converted_properties, text)
+        return (converted_properties, ''.join(text_chunks))
-    def replace_tag(self, old_tag, new_tag):
-        index = old_tag.parent.contents.index(old_tag)
-        old_tag.parent.insert(index, new_tag)
-        old_tag.extract()
+    def convert_style_data(self, data):
+        converted = self.add_webkit_prefix_to_unprefixed_properties(data)
+        if converted[0]:
+            self.converted_properties.extend(list(converted[0]))
+        return converted[1]
+    def convert_attributes_if_needed(self, tag, attrs):
+        converted = self.get_starttag_text()
+        if tag in ('script', 'link'):
+            attr_name = 'src'
+            if tag != 'script':
+                attr_name = 'href'
+            for attr in attrs:
+                if attr[0] == attr_name:
+                    new_path = re.sub(self.test_harness_re, self.new_test_harness_path + '/testharness', attr[1])
+                    converted = re.sub(attr[1], new_path, converted)
+        for attr in attrs:
+            if attr[0] == 'style':
+                new_style = self.convert_style_data(attr[1])
+                converted = re.sub(attr[1], new_style, converted)
+        self.converted_data.append(converted)
+    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+        if tag == 'style':
+            self.in_style_tag = True
+        self.convert_attributes_if_needed(tag, attrs)
+    def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+        if tag == 'style':
+            self.converted_data.append(self.convert_style_data(''.join(self.style_data)))
+            self.in_style_tag = False
+            self.style_data = []
+        self.converted_data.extend(['</', tag, '>'])
+    def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
+        self.convert_attributes_if_needed(tag, attrs)
+    def handle_data(self, data):
+        if self.in_style_tag:
+            self.style_data.append(data)
+        else:
+            self.converted_data.append(data)
+    def handle_entityref(self, name):
+        self.converted_data.extend(['&', name, ';'])
+    def handle_charref(self, name):
+        self.converted_data.extend(['&#', name, ';'])
+    def handle_comment(self, data):
+        self.converted_data.extend(['<!-- ', data, ' -->'])
+    def handle_decl(self, decl):
+        self.converted_data.extend(['<!', decl, '>'])
+    def handle_pi(self, data):
+        self.converted_data.extend(['<?', data, '>'])

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter_unittest.py (156073 => 156074)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter_unittest.py	2013-09-19 00:15:35 UTC (rev 156073)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_converter_unittest.py	2013-09-19 00:55:50 UTC (rev 156074)
@@ -31,23 +31,29 @@
 import re
 import unittest2 as unittest
+from webkitpy.common.host import Host
 from webkitpy.common.system.outputcapture import OutputCapture
+from webkitpy.common.webkit_finder import WebKitFinder
 from webkitpy.thirdparty.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
-from webkitpy.w3c.test_converter import W3CTestConverter
+from webkitpy.w3c.test_converter import _W3CTestConverter
 DUMMY_FILENAME = 'dummy.html'
+DUMMY_PATH = 'dummy/testharness/path'
 class W3CTestConverterTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def fake_dir_path(self, converter, dirname):
-        return converter.path_from_webkit_root("LayoutTests", "css", dirname)
+    # FIXME: When we move to using a MockHost, this method should be removed, since
+    #        then we can just pass in a dummy dir path
+    def fake_dir_path(self, dirname):
+        filesystem = Host().filesystem
+        webkit_root = WebKitFinder(filesystem).webkit_base()
+        return filesystem.abspath(filesystem.join(webkit_root, "LayoutTests", "css", dirname))
     def test_read_prefixed_property_list(self):
         """ Tests that the current list of properties requiring the -webkit- prefix load correctly """
         # FIXME: We should be passing in a MockHost here ...
-        converter = W3CTestConverter()
+        converter = _W3CTestConverter(DUMMY_PATH, DUMMY_FILENAME)
         prop_list = converter.prefixed_properties
         self.assertTrue(prop_list, 'No prefixed properties found')
@@ -72,16 +78,18 @@
-        converter = W3CTestConverter()
+        converter = _W3CTestConverter(DUMMY_PATH, DUMMY_FILENAME)
         oc = OutputCapture()
-            converted = converter.convert_html('/nothing/to/convert', test_html, DUMMY_FILENAME)
+            converter.feed(test_html)
+            converter.close()
+            converted = converter.output()
-        self.verify_no_conversion_happened(converted)
+        self.verify_no_conversion_happened(converted, test_html)
     def test_convert_for_webkit_harness_only(self):
         """ Tests convert_for_webkit() using a basic JS test that uses testharness.js only and has no prefixed properties """
@@ -91,11 +99,12 @@
 <script src=""
-        converter = W3CTestConverter()
-        fake_dir_path = self.fake_dir_path(converter, "harnessonly")
+        fake_dir_path = self.fake_dir_path("harnessonly")
+        converter = _W3CTestConverter(fake_dir_path, DUMMY_FILENAME)
+        converter.feed(test_html)
+        converter.close()
+        converted = converter.output()
-        converted = converter.convert_html(fake_dir_path, test_html, DUMMY_FILENAME)
         self.verify_test_harness_paths(converter, converted[1], fake_dir_path, 1, 1)
         self.verify_prefixed_properties(converted, [])
@@ -118,14 +127,16 @@
-        converter = W3CTestConverter()
-        fake_dir_path = self.fake_dir_path(converter, 'harnessandprops')
+        fake_dir_path = self.fake_dir_path('harnessandprops')
+        converter = _W3CTestConverter(fake_dir_path, DUMMY_FILENAME)
         test_content = self.generate_test_content(converter.prefixed_properties, 1, test_html)
         oc = OutputCapture()
-            converted = converter.convert_html(fake_dir_path, test_content[1], DUMMY_FILENAME)
+            converter.feed(test_content[1])
+            converter.close()
+            converted = converter.output()
@@ -153,14 +164,16 @@
-        converter = W3CTestConverter()
-        fake_dir_path = self.fake_dir_path(converter, 'harnessandprops')
+        fake_dir_path = self.fake_dir_path('harnessandprops')
+        converter = _W3CTestConverter(fake_dir_path, DUMMY_FILENAME)
         oc = OutputCapture()
             test_content = self.generate_test_content(converter.prefixed_properties, 2, test_html)
-            converted = converter.convert_html(fake_dir_path, test_content[1], DUMMY_FILENAME)
+            converter.feed(test_content[1])
+            converter.close()
+            converted = converter.output()
@@ -177,20 +190,20 @@
 <script src=""
-        converter = W3CTestConverter()
+        fake_dir_path = self.fake_dir_path('testharnesspaths')
+        converter = _W3CTestConverter(fake_dir_path, DUMMY_FILENAME)
-        fake_dir_path = self.fake_dir_path(converter, 'testharnesspaths')
-        doc = BeautifulSoup(test_html)
         oc = OutputCapture()
-            converted = converter.convert_testharness_paths(doc, fake_dir_path, DUMMY_FILENAME)
+            converter.feed(test_html)
+            converter.close()
+            converted = converter.output()
-        self.verify_test_harness_paths(converter, doc, fake_dir_path, 2, 1)
+        self.verify_test_harness_paths(converter, converted[1], fake_dir_path, 2, 1)
     def test_convert_prefixed_properties(self):
         """ Tests convert_prefixed_properties() file that has 20 properties requiring the -webkit- prefix:
@@ -255,14 +268,15 @@
-        converter = W3CTestConverter()
+        converter = _W3CTestConverter(DUMMY_PATH, DUMMY_FILENAME)
         test_content = self.generate_test_content(converter.prefixed_properties, 20, test_html)
         oc = OutputCapture()
-            converted = converter.convert_prefixed_properties(BeautifulSoup(test_content[1]), DUMMY_FILENAME)
+            converter.feed(test_content[1])
+            converter.close()
+            converted = converter.output()
@@ -272,8 +286,8 @@
     def verify_conversion_happened(self, converted):
         self.assertTrue(converted, "conversion didn't happen")
-    def verify_no_conversion_happened(self, converted):
-        self.assertEqual(converted, None, 'test should not have been converted')
+    def verify_no_conversion_happened(self, converted, original):
+        self.assertEqual(converted[1], original, 'test should not have been converted')
     def verify_test_harness_paths(self, converter, converted, test_path, num_src_paths, num_href_paths):
         if isinstance(converted, basestring):

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_importer.py (156073 => 156074)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_importer.py	2013-09-19 00:15:35 UTC (rev 156073)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/test_importer.py	2013-09-19 00:55:50 UTC (rev 156074)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 from webkitpy.common.webkit_finder import WebKitFinder
 from webkitpy.common.system.executive import ScriptError
 from webkitpy.w3c.test_parser import TestParser
-from webkitpy.w3c.test_converter import W3CTestConverter
+from webkitpy.w3c.test_converter import convert_for_webkit
@@ -286,7 +286,6 @@
                     'reftests': reftests, 'jstests': jstests, 'total_tests': total_tests})
     def import_tests(self):
-        converter = W3CTestConverter()
         total_imported_tests = 0
         total_imported_reftests = 0
         total_imported_jstests = 0
@@ -343,7 +342,7 @@
                 # FIXME: Eventually, so should js when support is added for this type of conversion
                 mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(orig_filepath)
                 if 'html' in str(mimetype[0]) or 'xml' in str(mimetype[0])  or 'css' in str(mimetype[0]):
-                    converted_file = converter.convert_for_webkit(new_path, filename=orig_filepath)
+                    converted_file = convert_for_webkit(new_path, filename=orig_filepath)
                     if not converted_file:
                         shutil.copyfile(orig_filepath, new_filepath)  # The file was unmodified.
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