Title: [186226] trunk/Source
2015-07-02 09:04:01 -0700 (Thu, 02 Jul 2015)

Log Message

<rdar://problem/21429613> [iOS] Stop making symlinks from PrivateFrameworks to Frameworks

Reviewed by Sam Weinig.


* _javascript_Core.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Removed the build phase that makes the symlink.


* WebKit2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Removed the build phase that makes the directory of

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Source/_javascript_Core/ChangeLog (186225 => 186226)

--- trunk/Source/_javascript_Core/ChangeLog	2015-07-02 13:00:35 UTC (rev 186225)
+++ trunk/Source/_javascript_Core/ChangeLog	2015-07-02 16:04:01 UTC (rev 186226)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2015-07-02  Dan Bernstein  <m...@apple.com>
+        <rdar://problem/21429613> [iOS] Stop making symlinks from PrivateFrameworks to Frameworks
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=146542
+        Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
+        * _javascript_Core.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Removed the build phase that makes the symlink.
 2015-07-01  Joseph Pecoraro  <pecor...@apple.com>
         Web Inspector: Aggregate profile call information on the backend to drastically reduce profile sizes

Modified: trunk/Source/_javascript_Core/_javascript_Core.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (186225 => 186226)

--- trunk/Source/_javascript_Core/_javascript_Core.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2015-07-02 13:00:35 UTC (rev 186225)
+++ trunk/Source/_javascript_Core/_javascript_Core.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2015-07-02 16:04:01 UTC (rev 186226)
@@ -6658,7 +6658,6 @@
 				5D29D8BE0E9860B400C3D2D0 /* Check For Weak VTables and Externals */,
 				3713F014142905240036387F /* Check For Inappropriate Objective-C Class Names */,
 				A55DEAA416703DF7003DB841 /* Check For Inappropriate Macros in External Headers */,
-				1A02D9A81B34A882000D1522 /* Add Symlink in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks */,
 			buildRules = (
@@ -6773,20 +6772,6 @@
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
 			shellScript = "set -e\n\nif [[ $ENABLE_FTL_JIT != \"ENABLE_FTL_JIT\" ]]\nthen\n    exit 0\nfi\n\nif [[ ${CONFIGURATION:=Debug} != \"Production\" ]]\nthen\n    # Copy the llvmForJSC library into the framework.\n    ditto \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/libllvmForJSC.dylib\" \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/Libraries/libllvmForJSC.dylib\"\nfi\n\nif [[ $PLATFORM_NAME != \"macosx\" ]]\nthen\n    exit 0\nfi\n\nif [ ! -e \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/Libraries\" ]\nthen\n    ln -fs \"Versions/Current/Libraries\" \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/Libraries\"\nfi";
-		1A02D9A81B34A882000D1522 /* Add Symlink in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks */ = {
-			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
-			buildActionMask = 8;
-			files = (
-			);
-			inputPaths = (
-			);
-			name = "Add Symlink in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks";
-			outputPaths = (
-			);
-			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 1;
-			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "if [[ ${PLATFORM_NAME} != \"iphoneos\" ]]; then\n    exit 0\nfi\n\nif [[ ! -d \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/${SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR}/PrivateFrameworks\" ]]; then\n    mkdir -p \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/${SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR}/PrivateFrameworks\"\nfi\n\nln -s -h -f ../Frameworks/_javascript_Core.framework \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/${SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR}/PrivateFrameworks/_javascript_Core.framework\"";
-		};
 		3713F014142905240036387F /* Check For Inappropriate Objective-C Class Names */ = {
 			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
 			buildActionMask = 2147483647;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/ChangeLog (186225 => 186226)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/ChangeLog	2015-07-02 13:00:35 UTC (rev 186225)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/ChangeLog	2015-07-02 16:04:01 UTC (rev 186226)
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2015-07-02  Dan Bernstein  <m...@apple.com>
+        <rdar://problem/21429613> [iOS] Stop making symlinks from PrivateFrameworks to Frameworks
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=146542
+        Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
+        * WebKit2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Removed the build phase that makes the directory of
+        symlinks.
 2015-07-02  Carlos Garcia Campos  <cgar...@igalia.com>
         [GTK] WebSQL doesn't work because openDatabase always fails with DOM Exception 18

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebKit2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (186225 => 186226)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebKit2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2015-07-02 13:00:35 UTC (rev 186225)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebKit2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2015-07-02 16:04:01 UTC (rev 186226)
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 				1A50DB70110A3D67000D3FE5 /* Copy Files */,
 				BCFFCA8A160D6DEA003DF315 /* Add current version symlinks */,
 				BCFFCA8B160D6E7B003DF315 /* Copy XPC services for engineering builds */,
-				1A1A18301B17919B00B06F12 /* Add Symlinks in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit.framework */,
 			dependencies = (
 				1A6280F619199865006AD9F9 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
@@ -8907,20 +8906,6 @@
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
 			shellScript = "if [[ ${PLATFORM_NAME} != \"macosx\" ]]; then\nexit 0\nfi\n\nln -sf Versions/Current/Frameworks \"$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/WebKit.framework/Frameworks\"\n";
-		1A1A18301B17919B00B06F12 /* Add Symlinks in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit.framework */ = {
-			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
-			buildActionMask = 8;
-			files = (
-			);
-			inputPaths = (
-			);
-			name = "Add Symlinks in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit.framework";
-			outputPaths = (
-			);
-			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 1;
-			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "if [[ ${PLATFORM_NAME} != \"iphoneos\" ]]; then\nexit 0;\nfi\n\nif [[ ! -d \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/${SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR}/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit.framework\" ]]; then\nmkdir -p \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/${SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR}/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit.framework\"\nfi\n\ncd ${INSTALL_ROOT}/${SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR}/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit.framework\nln -s -h -f ../../Frameworks/WebKit.framework/* .";
-		};
 		1A1D2115191D96380001619F /* Postprocess Framework Headers */ = {
 			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
 			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
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