Title: [201759] trunk
2016-06-07 11:15:31 -0700 (Tue, 07 Jun 2016)

Log Message

Add experimental support for spring based CSS animations

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


Adds experimental support for a new CSS animation timing function that uses
spring to model the time function. To use it you replace your normal timing
function, be it cubic-bezier or steps, with a new function called spring().
For instance, for a transition you would write:

    transition-timing-function: spring(1 100 10 0);
The parameters are, in order:
    - Mass
    - Stiffness
    - Damping
    - Initial Velocity

Tests: animations/spring-computed-style.html

* WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
Add new file.

* css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
Modernize and add support for the spring function.

* css/CSSParser.cpp:
* css/CSSParser.h:
* css/CSSParserMode.h:
Add parsing support for the spring() function.

* css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.cpp:
* css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.h:
Modernize and add support for the spring function.

* css/CSSToStyleMap.cpp:
Pipe the spring function into the animation.

* css/CSSValue.cpp:
* css/CSSValue.h:
Add support for the spring function.
* page/Settings.in:
Add a setting to control if the spring function is enabled.

* page/animation/AnimationBase.cpp:
Add support for solving the spring function. Since the spring requires time to be absolute,
get the real time by multiplying the ratio t, to the total duration.

* platform/animation/TimingFunction.cpp:
* platform/animation/TimingFunction.h:
Add support for the spring timing function.

* platform/graphics/SpringSolver.h: Added.
Add a Spring solver that matches the one in CoreAnimation.

* platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp:
* platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.h:
Map animations with spring timing functions to CASpringAnimations.

* platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.cpp:
* platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.h:
* platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/PlatformCAAnimationCocoa.mm:
Add a new type of PlatformCAAnimation, Spring, which is a sub-type of Basic.


* Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.cpp:
* Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.h:
* Shared/WebPreferencesDefinitions.h:
* WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
* WebProcess/WebPage/mac/PlatformCAAnimationRemote.mm:
Pipe through support for the Spring animation.


* animations/script-tests/spring-computed-style.js: Added.
* animations/script-tests/spring-parsing.js: Added.
* animations/spring-computed-style-expected.txt: Added.
* animations/spring-computed-style.html: Added.
* animations/spring-function-expected.txt: Added.
* animations/spring-function.html: Added.
* animations/spring-parsing-expected.txt: Added.
* animations/spring-parsing.html: Added.
Add tests for the spring timing function.

Modified Paths

Added Paths


Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+2016-06-05  Sam Weinig  <s...@webkit.org>
+        Add experimental support for spring based CSS animations
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158403
+        Reviewed by Dean Jackson.
+        * animations/script-tests/spring-computed-style.js: Added.
+        * animations/script-tests/spring-parsing.js: Added.
+        * animations/spring-computed-style-expected.txt: Added.
+        * animations/spring-computed-style.html: Added.
+        * animations/spring-function-expected.txt: Added.
+        * animations/spring-function.html: Added.
+        * animations/spring-parsing-expected.txt: Added.
+        * animations/spring-parsing.html: Added.
+        Add tests for the spring timing function.
 2016-06-07  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
         Implement EventListenerOptions argument to addEventListener

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/animations/script-tests/spring-computed-style.js (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/animations/script-tests/spring-computed-style.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/animations/script-tests/spring-computed-style.js	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+description("Test the computed style of the spring() function on the transition-timing-function property.");
+if (window.internals)
+    internals.settings.setSpringTimingFunctionEnabled(true);
+// These have to be global for the test helpers to see them.
+var stylesheet, springStyle;
+var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
+stylesheet = styleElement.sheet;
+function testComputedSpring(description, spring, expectedValue)
+    debug("");
+    debug(description + " : " + spring);
+    stylesheet.insertRule("body { transition-timing-function: " + spring + "; }", 0);
+    springStyle = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyCSSValue("transition-timing-function");
+    shouldBe("springStyle.cssText", "'" + expectedValue + "'");
+    stylesheet.deleteRule(0);
+debug("Valid spring tests");
+testComputedSpring("Basic", "spring(1 100 10 0)", "spring(1 100 10 0)");
+testComputedSpring("Negative Velocity", "spring(1 100 10 -10)", "spring(1 100 10 -10)");
+testComputedSpring("Positive Velocity", "spring(1 100 10 10)", "spring(1 100 10 10)");
+testComputedSpring("Zero Damping", "spring(1 100 0 10)", "spring(1 100 0 10)");
+testComputedSpring("Minimum Values", "spring(1 1 0 -999999)", "spring(1 1 0 -999999)");
+testComputedSpring("Floating Point Values", "spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)", "spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)");
+debug("Invalid spring tests");
+testComputedSpring("No parameters", "spring()", "ease");
+testComputedSpring("Not enough parameters", "spring(1 100 10)", "ease");
+testComputedSpring("Too many parameters", "spring(1 100 10 0 0)", "ease");
+testComputedSpring("Non-numeric parameters", "spring(a b c d)", "ease");
+testComputedSpring("Illegal Mass (< 0)", "spring(-1 100 10 0)", "ease");
+testComputedSpring("Illegal Mass (== 0)", "spring(0 100 10 0)", "ease");
+testComputedSpring("Illegal Stiffness (< 0)", "spring(1 -1 10 0)", "ease");
+testComputedSpring("Illegal Stiffness (== 0)", "spring(1 0 10 0)", "ease");
+testComputedSpring("Illegal Damping (< 0)", "spring(1 100 -1 0)", "ease");
+successfullyParsed = true;

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/animations/script-tests/spring-parsing.js (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/animations/script-tests/spring-parsing.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/animations/script-tests/spring-parsing.js	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+description("Test the parsing of the spring() function on the transition-timing-function property.");
+if (window.internals)
+    internals.settings.setSpringTimingFunctionEnabled(true);
+// These have to be global for the test helpers to see them.
+var stylesheet, cssRule, declaration, propertyValue, subRule;
+var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
+stylesheet = styleElement.sheet;
+function testSpring(description, spring, expectedValue)
+    debug("");
+    debug(description + " : " + spring);
+    stylesheet.insertRule("body { transition-timing-function: " + spring + "; }", 0);
+    cssRule = stylesheet.cssRules.item(0);
+    shouldBe("cssRule.type", "1");
+    declaration = cssRule.style;
+    if (!expectedValue) {
+        shouldBe("declaration.length", "0");
+        shouldBeEqualToString("declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function')", "");
+        return;
+    }
+    shouldBe("declaration.length", "1");
+    shouldBe("declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function')", "'" + expectedValue + "'");
+    propertyValue = declaration.getPropertyCSSValue("transition-timing-function");
+    shouldBe("propertyValue.cssText", "'" + expectedValue + "'");
+    stylesheet.deleteRule(0);
+debug("Valid spring tests");
+testSpring("Basic", "spring(1 100 10 0)", "spring(1 100 10 0)");
+testSpring("Negative Velocity", "spring(1 100 10 -10)", "spring(1 100 10 -10)");
+testSpring("Positive Velocity", "spring(1 100 10 10)", "spring(1 100 10 10)");
+testSpring("Zero Damping", "spring(1 100 0 10)", "spring(1 100 0 10)");
+testSpring("Minimum Values", "spring(1 1 0 -999999)", "spring(1 1 0 -999999)");
+testSpring("Floating Point Values", "spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)", "spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)");
+debug("Invalid spring tests");
+testSpring("No parameters", "spring()", null);
+testSpring("Not enough parameters", "spring(1 100 10)", null);
+testSpring("Too many parameters", "spring(1 100 10 0 0)", null);
+testSpring("Non-numeric parameters", "spring(a b c d)", null);
+testSpring("Illegal Mass (< 0)", "spring(-1 100 10 0)", null);
+testSpring("Illegal Mass (== 0)", "spring(0 100 10 0)", null);
+testSpring("Illegal Stiffness (< 0)", "spring(1 -1 10 0)", null);
+testSpring("Illegal Stiffness (== 0)", "spring(1 0 10 0)", null);
+testSpring("Illegal Damping (< 0)", "spring(1 100 -1 0)", null);
+successfullyParsed = true;

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-computed-style-expected.txt (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-computed-style-expected.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-computed-style-expected.txt	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Test the computed style of the spring() function on the transition-timing-function property.
+On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
+Valid spring tests
+Basic : spring(1 100 10 0)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'spring(1 100 10 0)'
+Negative Velocity : spring(1 100 10 -10)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'spring(1 100 10 -10)'
+Positive Velocity : spring(1 100 10 10)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'spring(1 100 10 10)'
+Zero Damping : spring(1 100 0 10)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'spring(1 100 0 10)'
+Minimum Values : spring(1 1 0 -999999)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'spring(1 1 0 -999999)'
+Floating Point Values : spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)'
+Invalid spring tests
+No parameters : spring()
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+Not enough parameters : spring(1 100 10)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+Too many parameters : spring(1 100 10 0 0)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+Non-numeric parameters : spring(a b c d)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+Illegal Mass (< 0) : spring(-1 100 10 0)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+Illegal Mass (== 0) : spring(0 100 10 0)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+Illegal Stiffness (< 0) : spring(1 -1 10 0)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+Illegal Stiffness (== 0) : spring(1 0 10 0)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+Illegal Damping (< 0) : spring(1 100 -1 0)
+PASS springStyle.cssText is 'ease'
+PASS successfullyParsed is true

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-computed-style.html (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-computed-style.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-computed-style.html	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<script src=""
+<p id="description"></p>
+<div id="console"></div>
+<script src=""
+<script src=""

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-function-expected.txt (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-function-expected.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-function-expected.txt	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This test performs an animation of the left property. It animates over 1 second. It takes 3 snapshots and expects each result to be within a specified range.
+PASS - "left" property for "box1" element at 0.25s saw something close to: 512
+PASS - "left" property for "box1" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 537
+PASS - "left" property for "box1" element at 0.75s saw something close to: 487

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-function.html (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-function.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-function.html	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  if (window.internals)
+    internals.settings.setSpringTimingFunctionEnabled(true);
+<style type="text/css" media="screen">
+  .box {
+    position: relative;
+    left: 100px;
+    top: 0px;
+    height: 5px;
+    width: 5px;
+    background-color: blue;
+    animation-duration: 1s;
+    animation-name: anim;
+  }
+  @keyframes anim {
+      from { left: 0px; }
+      to   { left: 500px; }
+  }
+  #box1 {
+    animation-timing-function: spring(1 100 10 0);
+  }
+<script src="" type="text/_javascript_" charset="utf-8"></script>
+<script type="text/_javascript_" charset="utf-8">
+  const expectedValues = [
+    // [animation-name, time, element-id, property, expected-value, tolerance]
+    ["anim", 0.25, "box1", "left", 512, 5],
+    ["anim", 0.50, "box1", "left", 537, 5],
+    ["anim", 0.75, "box1", "left", 487, 5],
+  ];
+  runAnimationTest(expectedValues);
+This test performs an animation of the left property. It animates over 1 second.
+It takes 3 snapshots and expects each result to be within a specified range.
+<div class="box" id="box1"></div>
+<div id="result">

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-parsing-expected.txt (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-parsing-expected.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-parsing-expected.txt	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Test the parsing of the spring() function on the transition-timing-function property.
+On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
+Valid spring tests
+Basic : spring(1 100 10 0)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 1
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is 'spring(1 100 10 0)'
+PASS propertyValue.cssText is 'spring(1 100 10 0)'
+Negative Velocity : spring(1 100 10 -10)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 1
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is 'spring(1 100 10 -10)'
+PASS propertyValue.cssText is 'spring(1 100 10 -10)'
+Positive Velocity : spring(1 100 10 10)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 1
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is 'spring(1 100 10 10)'
+PASS propertyValue.cssText is 'spring(1 100 10 10)'
+Zero Damping : spring(1 100 0 10)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 1
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is 'spring(1 100 0 10)'
+PASS propertyValue.cssText is 'spring(1 100 0 10)'
+Minimum Values : spring(1 1 0 -999999)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 1
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is 'spring(1 1 0 -999999)'
+PASS propertyValue.cssText is 'spring(1 1 0 -999999)'
+Floating Point Values : spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 1
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is 'spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)'
+PASS propertyValue.cssText is 'spring(1.5 2.3 3.7 -1.8)'
+Invalid spring tests
+No parameters : spring()
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+Not enough parameters : spring(1 100 10)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+Too many parameters : spring(1 100 10 0 0)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+Non-numeric parameters : spring(a b c d)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+Illegal Mass (< 0) : spring(-1 100 10 0)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+Illegal Mass (== 0) : spring(0 100 10 0)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+Illegal Stiffness (< 0) : spring(1 -1 10 0)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+Illegal Stiffness (== 0) : spring(1 0 10 0)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+Illegal Damping (< 0) : spring(1 100 -1 0)
+PASS cssRule.type is 1
+PASS declaration.length is 0
+PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('transition-timing-function') is ""
+PASS successfullyParsed is true

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-parsing.html (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-parsing.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/animations/spring-parsing.html	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<script src=""
+<p id="description"></p>
+<div id="console"></div>
+<script src=""
+<script src=""

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -1,3 +1,241 @@
+2016-06-06  Sam Weinig  <s...@webkit.org>
+        Add experimental support for spring based CSS animations
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158403
+        Reviewed by Dean Jackson.
+        Adds experimental support for a new CSS animation timing function that uses
+        spring to model the time function. To use it you replace your normal timing
+        function, be it cubic-bezier or steps, with a new function called spring().
+        For instance, for a transition you would write:
+            transition-timing-function: spring(1 100 10 0);
+        The parameters are, in order:
+            - Mass
+            - Stiffness
+            - Damping
+            - Initial Velocity
+        Tests: animations/spring-computed-style.html
+               animations/spring-function.html
+               animations/spring-parsing.html
+        * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
+        Add new file.
+        * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
+        (WebCore::createTimingFunctionValue):
+        Modernize and add support for the spring function.
+        * css/CSSParser.cpp:
+        (WebCore::CSSParserContext::CSSParserContext):
+        (WebCore::operator==):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::CSSParser):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseTransformOriginShorthand):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::isSpringTimingFunctionEnabled):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseSpringTimingFunctionValue):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseAnimationTimingFunction):
+        * css/CSSParser.h:
+        * css/CSSParserMode.h:
+        Add parsing support for the spring() function.
+        * css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.cpp:
+        (WebCore::CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText):
+        (WebCore::CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::equals):
+        (WebCore::CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText):
+        (WebCore::CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::equals):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::equals):
+        * css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.h:
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::create):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::mass):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::stiffness):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::damping):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::initialVelocity):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue):
+        Modernize and add support for the spring function.
+        * css/CSSToStyleMap.cpp:
+        (WebCore::CSSToStyleMap::mapAnimationTimingFunction):
+        Pipe the spring function into the animation.
+        * css/CSSValue.cpp:
+        (WebCore::CSSValue::equals):
+        (WebCore::CSSValue::cssText):
+        (WebCore::CSSValue::destroy):
+        * css/CSSValue.h:
+        (WebCore::CSSValue::isSpringTimingFunctionValue):
+        Add support for the spring function.
+        * page/Settings.in:
+        Add a setting to control if the spring function is enabled.
+        * page/animation/AnimationBase.cpp:
+        (WebCore::solveSpringFunction):
+        (WebCore::AnimationBase::progress):
+        Add support for solving the spring function. Since the spring requires time to be absolute,
+        get the real time by multiplying the ratio t, to the total duration.
+        * platform/animation/TimingFunction.cpp:
+        (WebCore::operator<<):
+        * platform/animation/TimingFunction.h:
+        (WebCore::TimingFunction::~TimingFunction):
+        (WebCore::TimingFunction::isSpringTimingFunction):
+        Add support for the spring timing function.
+        * platform/graphics/SpringSolver.h: Added.
+        (WebCore::SpringSolver::SpringSolver):
+        (WebCore::SpringSolver::solve):
+        Add a Spring solver that matches the one in CoreAnimation.
+        * platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp:
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::createAnimationFromKeyframes):
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::appendToUncommittedAnimations):
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::createBasicAnimation):
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::createSpringAnimation):
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::setupAnimation):
+        * platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.h:
+        Map animations with spring timing functions to CASpringAnimations.
+        * platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.cpp:
+        (WebCore::operator<<):
+        (WebCore::PlatformCAAnimation::isBasicAnimation):
+        * platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.h:
+        (WebCore::PlatformCAAnimation::setActualStartTimeIfNeeded):
+        (WebCore::PlatformCAAnimation::PlatformCAAnimation):
+        * platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/PlatformCAAnimationCocoa.mm:
+        (WebCore::toCAMediaTimingFunction):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::PlatformCAAnimationCocoa):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setTimingFunction):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyTimingFunctionFrom):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setFromValue):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyFromValueFrom):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setToValue):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyToValueFrom):
+        Add a new type of PlatformCAAnimation, Spring, which is a sub-type of Basic.
+2016-06-05  Sam Weinig  <s...@webkit.org>
+        Add experimental support for spring based CSS animations
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158403
+        Reviewed by Dean Jackson.
+        Adds experimental support for a new CSS animation timing function that uses
+        spring to model the time function. To use it you replace your normal timing
+        function, be it cubic-bezier or steps, with a new function called spring().
+        For instance, for a transition you would write:
+            transition-timing-function: spring(1 100 10 0);
+        The parameters are, in order:
+            - Mass
+            - Stiffness
+            - Damping
+            - Initial Velocity
+        Tests: animations/spring-computed-style.html
+               animations/spring-function.html
+               animations/spring-parsing.html
+        * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
+        Add new file.
+        * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
+        (WebCore::createTimingFunctionValue):
+        Modernize and add support for the spring function.
+        * css/CSSParser.cpp:
+        (WebCore::CSSParserContext::CSSParserContext):
+        (WebCore::operator==):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::CSSParser):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseTransformOriginShorthand):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::isSpringTimingFunctionEnabled):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseSpringTimingFunctionValue):
+        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseAnimationTimingFunction):
+        * css/CSSParser.h:
+        * css/CSSParserMode.h:
+        Add parsing support for the spring() function.
+        * css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.cpp:
+        (WebCore::CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText):
+        (WebCore::CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::equals):
+        (WebCore::CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText):
+        (WebCore::CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::equals):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::equals):
+        * css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.h:
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::create):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::mass):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::stiffness):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::damping):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::initialVelocity):
+        (WebCore::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue):
+        Modernize and add support for the spring function.
+        * css/CSSToStyleMap.cpp:
+        (WebCore::CSSToStyleMap::mapAnimationTimingFunction):
+        Pipe the spring function into the animation.
+        * css/CSSValue.cpp:
+        (WebCore::CSSValue::equals):
+        (WebCore::CSSValue::cssText):
+        (WebCore::CSSValue::destroy):
+        * css/CSSValue.h:
+        (WebCore::CSSValue::isSpringTimingFunctionValue):
+        Add support for the spring function.
+        * page/Settings.in:
+        Add a setting to control if the spring function is enabled.
+        * page/animation/AnimationBase.cpp:
+        (WebCore::solveSpringFunction):
+        (WebCore::AnimationBase::progress):
+        Add support for solving the spring function. Since the spring requires time to be absolute,
+        get the real time by multiplying the ratio t, to the total duration.
+        * platform/animation/TimingFunction.cpp:
+        (WebCore::operator<<):
+        * platform/animation/TimingFunction.h:
+        (WebCore::TimingFunction::~TimingFunction):
+        (WebCore::TimingFunction::isSpringTimingFunction):
+        Add support for the spring timing function.
+        * platform/graphics/SpringSolver.h: Added.
+        (WebCore::SpringSolver::SpringSolver):
+        (WebCore::SpringSolver::solve):
+        Add a Spring solver that matches the one in CoreAnimation.
+        * platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp:
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::createAnimationFromKeyframes):
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::appendToUncommittedAnimations):
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::createBasicAnimation):
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::createSpringAnimation):
+        (WebCore::GraphicsLayerCA::setupAnimation):
+        * platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.h:
+        Map animations with spring timing functions to CASpringAnimations.
+        * platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.cpp:
+        (WebCore::operator<<):
+        (WebCore::PlatformCAAnimation::isBasicAnimation):
+        * platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.h:
+        (WebCore::PlatformCAAnimation::setActualStartTimeIfNeeded):
+        (WebCore::PlatformCAAnimation::PlatformCAAnimation):
+        * platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/PlatformCAAnimationCocoa.mm:
+        (WebCore::toCAMediaTimingFunction):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::PlatformCAAnimationCocoa):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setTimingFunction):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyTimingFunctionFrom):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setFromValue):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyFromValueFrom):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setToValue):
+        (PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyToValueFrom):
+        Add a new type of PlatformCAAnimation, Spring, which is a sub-type of Basic.
 2016-06-07  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
         Implement EventListenerOptions argument to addEventListener

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -2764,6 +2764,7 @@
 		7C74D43C1882400400E5ED57 /* UTextProviderUTF16.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7C74D43A1882400400E5ED57 /* UTextProviderUTF16.h */; };
 		7C7941E41C56C29300A4C58E /* DataDetectorsCoreSoftLink.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7C7941E21C56C29300A4C58E /* DataDetectorsCoreSoftLink.mm */; };
 		7C7941E51C56C29300A4C58E /* DataDetectorsCoreSoftLink.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7C7941E31C56C29300A4C58E /* DataDetectorsCoreSoftLink.h */; };
+		7C83DE861D04CC5D00FEBCF3 /* SpringSolver.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7C83DE851D04CBD400FEBCF3 /* SpringSolver.h */; };
 		7C91A38F1B498ABE003F9EFA /* JSNodeOrString.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7C91A38D1B498ABE003F9EFA /* JSNodeOrString.cpp */; };
 		7C91A3901B498ABE003F9EFA /* JSNodeOrString.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7C91A38E1B498ABE003F9EFA /* JSNodeOrString.h */; };
 		7C93F3491AA6BA5E00A98BAB /* CompiledContentExtension.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7C93F3471AA6BA5E00A98BAB /* CompiledContentExtension.cpp */; };
@@ -10430,6 +10431,7 @@
 		7C74D43A1882400400E5ED57 /* UTextProviderUTF16.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = UTextProviderUTF16.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		7C7941E21C56C29300A4C58E /* DataDetectorsCoreSoftLink.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = DataDetectorsCoreSoftLink.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		7C7941E31C56C29300A4C58E /* DataDetectorsCoreSoftLink.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DataDetectorsCoreSoftLink.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		7C83DE851D04CBD400FEBCF3 /* SpringSolver.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SpringSolver.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		7C91A38D1B498ABE003F9EFA /* JSNodeOrString.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = JSNodeOrString.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		7C91A38E1B498ABE003F9EFA /* JSNodeOrString.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = JSNodeOrString.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		7C93F3471AA6BA5E00A98BAB /* CompiledContentExtension.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CompiledContentExtension.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -22064,6 +22066,7 @@
 				0F3DD44E12F5EA1B000D9190 /* ShadowBlur.h */,
 				CD641EB21818F5ED00EE4C41 /* SourceBufferPrivate.h */,
 				CDC8B5AC1804AE5D0016E685 /* SourceBufferPrivateClient.h */,
+				7C83DE851D04CBD400FEBCF3 /* SpringSolver.h */,
 				B23540F00D00782E002382FA /* StringTruncator.cpp */,
 				B23540F10D00782E002382FA /* StringTruncator.h */,
 				849F77750EFEC6200090849D /* StrokeStyleApplier.h */,
@@ -27840,6 +27843,7 @@
 				BC8B854B0E7C7F5600AB6984 /* ScrollbarTheme.h in Headers */,
 				BC14028B0E83680800319717 /* ScrollbarThemeComposite.h in Headers */,
 				44C991860F3D1EBE00586670 /* ScrollbarThemeIOS.h in Headers */,
+				7C83DE861D04CC5D00FEBCF3 /* SpringSolver.h in Headers */,
 				BC8B853E0E7C7F1100AB6984 /* ScrollbarThemeMac.h in Headers */,
 				0FE71406142170B800DB33BA /* ScrollbarThemeMock.h in Headers */,
 				5D925B680F64D4DD00B847F0 /* ScrollBehavior.h in Headers */,

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -1498,10 +1498,10 @@
     switch (timingFunction->type()) {
     case TimingFunction::CubicBezierFunction: {
-        const CubicBezierTimingFunction* bezierTimingFunction = static_cast<const CubicBezierTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
-        if (bezierTimingFunction->timingFunctionPreset() != CubicBezierTimingFunction::Custom) {
+        auto& function = *static_cast<const CubicBezierTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
+        if (function.timingFunctionPreset() != CubicBezierTimingFunction::Custom) {
             CSSValueID valueId = CSSValueInvalid;
-            switch (bezierTimingFunction->timingFunctionPreset()) {
+            switch (function.timingFunctionPreset()) {
             case CubicBezierTimingFunction::Ease:
                 valueId = CSSValueEase;
@@ -1512,18 +1512,22 @@
                 valueId = CSSValueEaseOut;
-                ASSERT(bezierTimingFunction->timingFunctionPreset() == CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseInOut);
+                ASSERT(function.timingFunctionPreset() == CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseInOut);
                 valueId = CSSValueEaseInOut;
             return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(valueId);
-        return CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::create(bezierTimingFunction->x1(), bezierTimingFunction->y1(), bezierTimingFunction->x2(), bezierTimingFunction->y2());
+        return CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::create(function.x1(), function.y1(), function.x2(), function.y2());
     case TimingFunction::StepsFunction: {
-        const StepsTimingFunction* stepsTimingFunction = static_cast<const StepsTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
-        return CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::create(stepsTimingFunction->numberOfSteps(), stepsTimingFunction->stepAtStart());
+        auto& function = *static_cast<const StepsTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
+        return CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::create(function.numberOfSteps(), function.stepAtStart());
+    case TimingFunction::SpringFunction: {
+        auto& function = *static_cast<const SpringTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
+        return CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::create(function.mass(), function.stiffness(), function.damping(), function.initialVelocity());
+    }
         ASSERT(timingFunction->type() == TimingFunction::LinearFunction);
         return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueLinear);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@
         textAutosizingEnabled = settings->textAutosizingEnabled();
+        springTimingFunctionEnabled = settings->springTimingFunctionEnabled();
@@ -291,7 +292,8 @@
         && a.needsSiteSpecificQuirks == b.needsSiteSpecificQuirks
         && a.enforcesCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode == b.enforcesCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode
-        && a.useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior == b.useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior;
+        && a.useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior == b.useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior
+        && a.springTimingFunctionEnabled == b.springTimingFunctionEnabled;
 CSSParser::CSSParser(const CSSParserContext& context)
@@ -5157,23 +5159,38 @@
     return true;
-bool CSSParser::parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(CSSParserValueList& args, double& result)
+bool CSSParser::isSpringTimingFunctionEnabled() const
+    return m_context.springTimingFunctionEnabled;
+Optional<double> CSSParser::parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(CSSParserValueList& args)
     ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args.current());
     if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber))
-        return false;
-    result = parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation);
+        return Nullopt;
+    Optional<double> result = parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation);
     CSSParserValue* nextValue = args.next();
     if (!nextValue) {
         // The last number in the function has no comma after it, so we're done.
-        return true;
+        return result;
     if (!isComma(nextValue))
-        return false;
+        return Nullopt;
-    return true;
+    return result;
+Optional<double> CSSParser::parseSpringTimingFunctionValue(CSSParserValueList& args)
+    ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args.current());
+    if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber))
+        return Nullopt;
+    Optional<double> result = parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation);
+    args.next();
+    return result;
 RefPtr<CSSValue> CSSParser::parseAnimationTimingFunction()
     CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current();
@@ -5219,27 +5236,58 @@
     if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "cubic-bezier(")) {
-        // For cubic bezier, 4 values must be specified.
+        // For cubic bezier, 4 values must be specified (comma-separated).
         if (!args || args->size() != 7)
             return nullptr;
         // There are two points specified. The x values must be between 0 and 1 but the y values can exceed this range.
-        double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-        if (!parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args, x1))
+        auto x1 = parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args);
+        if (!x1 || x1.value() < 0 || x1.value() > 1)
             return nullptr;
-        if (x1 < 0 || x1 > 1)
+        auto y1 = parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args);
+        if (!y1)
             return nullptr;
-        if (!parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args, y1))
+        auto x2 = parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args);
+        if (!x2 || x2.value() < 0 || x2.value() > 1)
             return nullptr;
-        if (!parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args, x2))
+        auto y2 = parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args);
+        if (!y2)
             return nullptr;
-        if (x2 < 0 || x2 > 1)
+        return CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::create(x1.value(), y1.value(), x2.value(), y2.value());
+    }
+    if (isSpringTimingFunctionEnabled() && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "spring(")) {
+        // For a spring, 4 values must be specified (space-separated).
+        // FIXME: Make the arguments all optional.
+        if (!args || args->size() != 4)
             return nullptr;
-        if (!parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args, y2))
+        // Mass must be greater than 0.
+        auto mass = parseSpringTimingFunctionValue(*args);
+        if (!mass || mass.value() <= 0)
             return nullptr;
-        return CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::create(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+        // Stiffness must be greater than 0.
+        auto stiffness = parseSpringTimingFunctionValue(*args);
+        if (!stiffness || stiffness.value() <= 0)
+            return nullptr;
+        // Damping coefficient must be greater than or equal to 0.
+        auto damping = parseSpringTimingFunctionValue(*args);
+        if (!damping || damping.value() < 0)
+            return nullptr;
+        // Initial velocity may have any value.
+        auto initialVelocity = parseSpringTimingFunctionValue(*args);
+        if (!initialVelocity)
+            return nullptr;
+        return CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::create(mass.value(), stiffness.value(), damping.value(), initialVelocity.value());
     return nullptr;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -214,11 +214,14 @@
     static Vector<double> parseKeyframeSelector(const String&);
     bool parseTransformOriginShorthand(RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue>&, RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue>&, RefPtr<CSSValue>&);
-    bool parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(CSSParserValueList& args, double& result);
+    Optional<double> parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(CSSParserValueList&);
+    Optional<double> parseSpringTimingFunctionValue(CSSParserValueList&);
     bool parseAnimationProperty(CSSPropertyID, RefPtr<CSSValue>&, AnimationParseContext&);
     bool parseTransitionShorthand(CSSPropertyID, bool important);
     bool parseAnimationShorthand(CSSPropertyID, bool important);
+    bool isSpringTimingFunctionEnabled() const;
     RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> parseColumnWidth();
     RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> parseColumnCount();
     bool parseColumnsShorthand(bool important);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParserMode.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParserMode.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSParserMode.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
     bool needsSiteSpecificQuirks { false };
     bool enforcesCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode { true };
     bool useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior { false };
+    bool springTimingFunctionEnabled { false };
 bool operator==(const CSSParserContext&, const CSSParserContext&);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2007, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2007, 2013, 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -26,17 +26,23 @@
 #include "config.h"
 #include "CSSTimingFunctionValue.h"
-#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
+#include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h>
 namespace WebCore {
 String CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText() const
-    return "cubic-bezier("
-        + String::number(m_x1) + ", "
-        + String::number(m_y1) + ", "
-        + String::number(m_x2) + ", "
-        + String::number(m_y2) + ')';
+    StringBuilder builder;
+    builder.appendLiteral("cubic-bezier(");
+    builder.appendNumber(m_x1);
+    builder.appendLiteral(", ");
+    builder.appendNumber(m_y1);
+    builder.appendLiteral(", ");
+    builder.appendNumber(m_x2);
+    builder.appendLiteral(", ");
+    builder.appendNumber(m_y2);
+    builder.append(')');    
+    return builder.toString();
 bool CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::equals(const CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue& other) const
@@ -44,10 +50,16 @@
     return m_x1 == other.m_x1 && m_x2 == other.m_x2 && m_y1 == other.m_y1 && m_y2 == other.m_y2;
 String CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText() const
-    return "steps(" + String::number(m_steps) + ", " + (m_stepAtStart ? "start" : "end") + ')';
+    StringBuilder builder;
+    builder.appendLiteral("steps(");
+    builder.appendNumber(m_steps);
+    if (m_stepAtStart)
+        builder.appendLiteral(", start)");
+    else
+        builder.appendLiteral(", end)");
+    return builder.toString();
 bool CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::equals(const CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue& other) const
@@ -55,4 +67,25 @@
     return m_steps == other.m_steps && m_stepAtStart == other.m_stepAtStart;
+String CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::customCSSText() const
+    StringBuilder builder;
+    builder.appendLiteral("spring(");
+    builder.appendNumber(m_mass);
+    builder.append(' ');
+    builder.appendNumber(m_stiffness);
+    builder.append(' ');
+    builder.appendNumber(m_damping);
+    builder.append(' ');
+    builder.appendNumber(m_initialVelocity);
+    builder.append(')');
+    return builder.toString();
+bool CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue::equals(const CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue& other) const
+    return m_mass == other.m_mass && m_stiffness == other.m_stiffness && m_damping == other.m_damping && m_initialVelocity == other.m_initialVelocity;
 } // namespace WebCore

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2012, 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -89,9 +89,42 @@
     bool m_stepAtStart;
+class CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue : public CSSValue {
+    static Ref<CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue> create(double mass, double stiffness, double damping, double initialVelocity)
+    {
+        return adoptRef(*new CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue(mass, stiffness, damping, initialVelocity));
+    }
+    double mass() const { return m_mass; }
+    double stiffness() const { return m_stiffness; }
+    double damping() const { return m_damping; }
+    double initialVelocity() const { return m_initialVelocity; }
+    String customCSSText() const;
+    bool equals(const CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue&) const;
+    CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue(double mass, double stiffness, double damping, double initialVelocity)
+        : CSSValue(SpringTimingFunctionClass)
+        , m_mass(mass)
+        , m_stiffness(stiffness)
+        , m_damping(damping)
+        , m_initialVelocity(initialVelocity)
+    {
+    }
+    double m_mass;
+    double m_stiffness;
+    double m_damping;
+    double m_initialVelocity;
 } // namespace WebCore
 SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_CSS_VALUE(CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue, isCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue())
 SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_CSS_VALUE(CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue, isStepsTimingFunctionValue())
+SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_CSS_VALUE(CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue, isSpringTimingFunctionValue())
 #endif // CSSTimingFunctionValue_h

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSToStyleMap.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSToStyleMap.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSToStyleMap.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -510,6 +510,9 @@
     } else if (is<CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue>(value)) {
         auto& stepsTimingFunction = downcast<CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue>(value);
         animation.setTimingFunction(StepsTimingFunction::create(stepsTimingFunction.numberOfSteps(), stepsTimingFunction.stepAtStart()));
+    } else if (is<CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue>(value)) {
+        auto& springTimingFunction = downcast<CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue>(value);
+        animation.setTimingFunction(SpringTimingFunction::create(springTimingFunction.mass(), springTimingFunction.stiffness(), springTimingFunction.damping(), springTimingFunction.initialVelocity()));

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSValue.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSValue.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSValue.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -226,6 +226,8 @@
             return compareCSSValues<CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue>(*this, other);
         case StepsTimingFunctionClass:
             return compareCSSValues<CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue>(*this, other);
+        case SpringTimingFunctionClass:
+            return compareCSSValues<CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue>(*this, other);
         case UnicodeRangeClass:
             return compareCSSValues<CSSUnicodeRangeValue>(*this, other);
         case ValueListClass:
@@ -332,6 +334,8 @@
         return downcast<CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue>(*this).customCSSText();
     case StepsTimingFunctionClass:
         return downcast<CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue>(*this).customCSSText();
+    case SpringTimingFunctionClass:
+        return downcast<CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue>(*this).customCSSText();
     case UnicodeRangeClass:
         return downcast<CSSUnicodeRangeValue>(*this).customCSSText();
     case ValueListClass:
@@ -457,6 +461,9 @@
     case StepsTimingFunctionClass:
         delete downcast<CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue>(this);
+    case SpringTimingFunctionClass:
+        delete downcast<CSSSpringTimingFunctionValue>(this);
+        return;
     case UnicodeRangeClass:
         delete downcast<CSSUnicodeRangeValue>(this);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSValue.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSValue.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/css/CSSValue.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
     bool isShadowValue() const { return m_classType == ShadowClass; }
     bool isCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue() const { return m_classType == CubicBezierTimingFunctionClass; }
     bool isStepsTimingFunctionValue() const { return m_classType == StepsTimingFunctionClass; }
+    bool isSpringTimingFunctionValue() const { return m_classType == SpringTimingFunctionClass; }
     bool isWebKitCSSTransformValue() const { return m_classType == WebKitCSSTransformClass; }
     bool isLineBoxContainValue() const { return m_classType == LineBoxContainClass; }
     bool isCalcValue() const {return m_classType == CalculationClass; }
@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@
         // Timing function classes.
+        SpringTimingFunctionClass,
         // Other class types.

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/page/Settings.in (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/page/Settings.in	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/page/Settings.in	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -267,3 +267,5 @@
 selectionPaintingWithoutSelectionGapsEnabled initial=false
 shouldConvertInvalidURLsToBlank initial=true
+springTimingFunctionEnabled initial=false

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/page/animation/AnimationBase.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/page/animation/AnimationBase.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/page/animation/AnimationBase.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 #include "RenderBox.h"
 #include "RenderStyle.h"
 #include "RenderView.h"
+#include "SpringSolver.h"
 #include "UnitBezier.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <wtf/CurrentTime.h>
@@ -70,6 +71,12 @@
     return floor(numSteps * t) / numSteps;
+static inline double solveSpringFunction(double mass, double stiffness, double damping, double initialVelocity, double t, double duration)
+    SpringSolver solver(mass, stiffness, damping, initialVelocity);
+    return solver.solve(t * duration);
 AnimationBase::AnimationBase(const Animation& animation, RenderElement* renderer, CompositeAnimation* compositeAnimation)
     : m_object(renderer)
     , m_compositeAnimation(compositeAnimation)
@@ -648,13 +655,17 @@
     switch (timingFunction->type()) {
     case TimingFunction::CubicBezierFunction: {
-        const CubicBezierTimingFunction* function = static_cast<const CubicBezierTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
-        return solveCubicBezierFunction(function->x1(), function->y1(), function->x2(), function->y2(), fractionalTime, m_animation->duration());
+        auto& function = *static_cast<const CubicBezierTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
+        return solveCubicBezierFunction(function.x1(), function.y1(), function.x2(), function.y2(), fractionalTime, m_animation->duration());
     case TimingFunction::StepsFunction: {
-        const StepsTimingFunction* stepsTimingFunction = static_cast<const StepsTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
-        return solveStepsFunction(stepsTimingFunction->numberOfSteps(), stepsTimingFunction->stepAtStart(), fractionalTime);
+        auto& function = *static_cast<const StepsTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
+        return solveStepsFunction(function.numberOfSteps(), function.stepAtStart(), fractionalTime);
+    case TimingFunction::SpringFunction: {
+        auto& function = *static_cast<const SpringTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
+        return solveSpringFunction(function.mass(), function.stiffness(), function.damping(), function.initialVelocity(), fractionalTime, m_animation->duration());
+    }
     case TimingFunction::LinearFunction:
         return fractionalTime;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/animation/TimingFunction.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/animation/TimingFunction.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/animation/TimingFunction.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -37,16 +37,21 @@
         ts << "linear";
     case TimingFunction::CubicBezierFunction: {
-        const CubicBezierTimingFunction& cubicBezierFunction = static_cast<const CubicBezierTimingFunction&>(timingFunction);
-        ts << "cubic-bezier(" << cubicBezierFunction.x1() << ", " << cubicBezierFunction.y1() << ", " <<  cubicBezierFunction.x2() << ", " << cubicBezierFunction.y2() << ")";
+        auto& function = static_cast<const CubicBezierTimingFunction&>(timingFunction);
+        ts << "cubic-bezier(" << function.x1() << ", " << function.y1() << ", " <<  function.x2() << ", " << function.y2() << ")";
     case TimingFunction::StepsFunction: {
-        const StepsTimingFunction& stepsFunction = static_cast<const StepsTimingFunction&>(timingFunction);
-        ts << "steps(" << stepsFunction.numberOfSteps() << ", " << (stepsFunction.stepAtStart() ? "start" : "end") << ")";
+        auto& function = static_cast<const StepsTimingFunction&>(timingFunction);
+        ts << "steps(" << function.numberOfSteps() << ", " << (function.stepAtStart() ? "start" : "end") << ")";
+    case TimingFunction::SpringFunction: {
+        auto& function = static_cast<const SpringTimingFunction&>(timingFunction);
+        ts << "spring(" << function.mass() << " " << function.stiffness() << " " <<  function.damping() << " " << function.initialVelocity() << ")";
+        break;
+    }
     return ts;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/animation/TimingFunction.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/animation/TimingFunction.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/animation/TimingFunction.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     virtual PassRefPtr<TimingFunction> clone() const = 0;
     enum TimingFunctionType {
-        LinearFunction, CubicBezierFunction, StepsFunction
+        LinearFunction, CubicBezierFunction, StepsFunction, SpringFunction
     virtual ~TimingFunction() { }
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
     bool isLinearTimingFunction() const { return m_type == LinearFunction; }
     bool isCubicBezierTimingFunction() const { return m_type == CubicBezierFunction; }
     bool isStepsTimingFunction() const { return m_type == StepsFunction; }
+    bool isSpringTimingFunction() const { return m_type == SpringFunction; }
     virtual bool operator==(const TimingFunction& other) = 0;
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
     TimingFunctionType m_type;
-class LinearTimingFunction : public TimingFunction {
+class LinearTimingFunction final : public TimingFunction {
     static PassRefPtr<LinearTimingFunction> create()
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@
-class CubicBezierTimingFunction : public TimingFunction {
+class CubicBezierTimingFunction final : public TimingFunction {
     enum TimingFunctionPreset {
@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@
     TimingFunctionPreset m_timingFunctionPreset;
-class StepsTimingFunction : public TimingFunction {
+class StepsTimingFunction final : public TimingFunction {
     static PassRefPtr<StepsTimingFunction> create(int steps, bool stepAtStart)
@@ -231,6 +232,63 @@
     bool m_stepAtStart;
+class SpringTimingFunction final : public TimingFunction {
+    static Ref<SpringTimingFunction> create(double mass, double stiffness, double damping, double initialVelocity)
+    {
+        return adoptRef(*new SpringTimingFunction(mass, stiffness, damping, initialVelocity));
+    }
+    static Ref<SpringTimingFunction> create()
+    {
+        // This create() function should only be used by the argument decoders, and it is expected that
+        // real values will be filled in using setValues().
+        return create(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    }
+    bool operator==(const TimingFunction& other) override
+    {
+        if (other.isSpringTimingFunction()) {
+            const SpringTimingFunction& otherString = *static_cast<const SpringTimingFunction*>(&other);
+            return m_mass == otherString.m_mass && m_stiffness == otherString.m_stiffness && m_damping == otherString.m_damping && m_initialVelocity == otherString.m_initialVelocity;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    double mass() const { return m_mass; }
+    double stiffness() const { return m_stiffness; }
+    double damping() const { return m_damping; }
+    double initialVelocity() const { return m_initialVelocity; }
+    void setValues(double mass, double stiffness, double damping, double initialVelocity)
+    {
+        m_mass = mass;
+        m_stiffness = stiffness;
+        m_damping = damping;
+        m_initialVelocity = initialVelocity;
+    }
+    explicit SpringTimingFunction(double mass, double stiffness, double damping, double initialVelocity)
+        : TimingFunction(SpringFunction)
+        , m_mass(mass)
+        , m_stiffness(stiffness)
+        , m_damping(damping)
+        , m_initialVelocity(initialVelocity)
+    {
+    }
+    PassRefPtr<TimingFunction> clone() const override
+    {
+        return adoptRef(new SpringTimingFunction(m_mass, m_stiffness, m_damping, m_initialVelocity));
+    }
+    double m_mass;
+    double m_stiffness;
+    double m_damping;
+    double m_initialVelocity;
 class TextStream;
 WEBCORE_EXPORT TextStream& operator<<(TextStream&, const TimingFunction&);

Added: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/SpringSolver.h (0 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/SpringSolver.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/SpringSolver.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#pragma once
+namespace WebCore {
+class SpringSolver {
+    SpringSolver(double mass, double stiffness, double damping, double initialVelocity)
+    {
+        m_w0 = std::sqrt(stiffness / mass);
+        m_zeta = damping / (2 * std::sqrt(stiffness * mass));
+        if (m_zeta < 1) {
+            // Under-damped.
+            m_wd = m_w0 * std::sqrt(1 - m_zeta * m_zeta);
+            m_A = 1;
+            m_B = (m_zeta * m_w0 + -initialVelocity) / m_wd;
+        } else {
+            // Critically damped (ignoring over-damped case for now).
+            m_A = 1;
+            m_B = -initialVelocity + m_w0;
+        }
+    }
+    double solve(double t)
+    {
+        if (m_zeta < 1) {
+            // Under-damped
+            t = std::exp(-t * m_zeta * m_w0) * (m_A * std::cos(m_wd * t) + m_B * std::sin(m_wd * t));
+        } else {
+            // Critically damped (ignoring over-damped case for now).
+            t = (m_A + m_B * t) * std::exp(-t * m_w0);
+        }
+        // Map range from [1..0] to [0..1].
+        return 1 - t;
+    }
+    double m_w0;
+    double m_zeta;
+    double m_wd;
+    double m_A;
+    double m_B;
+} // namespace WebCore

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -2743,7 +2743,10 @@
         caAnimation = createKeyframeAnimation(animation, propertyIdToString(valueList.property()), additive);
         valuesOK = setAnimationKeyframes(valueList, animation, caAnimation.get());
     } else {
-        caAnimation = createBasicAnimation(animation, propertyIdToString(valueList.property()), additive);
+        if (animation->timingFunction()->isSpringTimingFunction())
+            caAnimation = createSpringAnimation(animation, propertyIdToString(valueList.property()), additive);
+        else
+            caAnimation = createBasicAnimation(animation, propertyIdToString(valueList.property()), additive);
         valuesOK = setAnimationEndpoints(valueList, animation, caAnimation.get());
@@ -2767,7 +2770,10 @@
         caAnimation = createKeyframeAnimation(animation, propertyIdToString(valueList.property()), additive);
         validMatrices = setTransformAnimationKeyframes(valueList, animation, caAnimation.get(), animationIndex, transformOp, isMatrixAnimation, boxSize);
     } else {
-        caAnimation = createBasicAnimation(animation, propertyIdToString(valueList.property()), additive);
+        if (animation->timingFunction()->isSpringTimingFunction())
+            caAnimation = createSpringAnimation(animation, propertyIdToString(valueList.property()), additive);
+        else
+            caAnimation = createBasicAnimation(animation, propertyIdToString(valueList.property()), additive);
         validMatrices = setTransformAnimationEndpoints(valueList, animation, caAnimation.get(), animationIndex, transformOp, isMatrixAnimation, boxSize);
@@ -2901,13 +2907,20 @@
     return basicAnim;
-PassRefPtr<PlatformCAAnimation>GraphicsLayerCA::createKeyframeAnimation(const Animation* anim, const String& keyPath, bool additive)
+PassRefPtr<PlatformCAAnimation> GraphicsLayerCA::createKeyframeAnimation(const Animation* anim, const String& keyPath, bool additive)
     RefPtr<PlatformCAAnimation> keyframeAnim = createPlatformCAAnimation(PlatformCAAnimation::Keyframe, keyPath);
     setupAnimation(keyframeAnim.get(), anim, additive);
     return keyframeAnim;
+RefPtr<PlatformCAAnimation> GraphicsLayerCA::createSpringAnimation(const Animation* anim, const String& keyPath, bool additive)
+    auto basicAnim = createPlatformCAAnimation(PlatformCAAnimation::Spring, keyPath);
+    setupAnimation(basicAnim.get(), anim, additive);
+    return basicAnim;
 void GraphicsLayerCA::setupAnimation(PlatformCAAnimation* propertyAnim, const Animation* anim, bool additive)
     double duration = anim->duration();

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
     // Return autoreleased animation (use RetainPtr?)
     PassRefPtr<PlatformCAAnimation> createBasicAnimation(const Animation*, const String& keyPath, bool additive);
     PassRefPtr<PlatformCAAnimation> createKeyframeAnimation(const Animation*, const String&, bool additive);
+    RefPtr<PlatformCAAnimation> createSpringAnimation(const Animation*, const String&, bool additive);
     void setupAnimation(PlatformCAAnimation*, const Animation*, bool additive);
     const TimingFunction* timingFunctionForAnimationValue(const AnimationValue&, const Animation&);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
     switch (type) {
     case PlatformCAAnimation::Basic: ts << "basic"; break;
     case PlatformCAAnimation::Keyframe: ts << "keyframe"; break;
+    case PlatformCAAnimation::Spring: ts << "spring"; break;
     return ts;
@@ -69,4 +70,9 @@
     return ts;
+bool PlatformCAAnimation::isBasicAnimation() const
+    return animationType() == Basic || animationType() == Spring;
 } // namespace WebCore

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCAAnimation.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 class PlatformCAAnimation : public RefCounted<PlatformCAAnimation> {
-    enum AnimationType { Basic, Keyframe };
+    enum AnimationType { Basic, Keyframe, Spring };
     enum FillModeType { NoFillMode, Forwards, Backwards, Both };
     enum ValueFunctionType { NoValueFunction, RotateX, RotateY, RotateZ, ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ, Scale, TranslateX, TranslateY, TranslateZ, Translate };
@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@
         if (beginTime() <= 0)
+    bool isBasicAnimation() const;
     PlatformCAAnimation(AnimationType type = Basic)

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/PlatformCAAnimationCocoa.mm (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/PlatformCAAnimationCocoa.mm	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/PlatformCAAnimationCocoa.mm	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@
-#include "config.h"
+#import "config.h"
 #import "PlatformCAAnimationCocoa.h"
 #import "FloatConversion.h"
 #import "PlatformCAFilters.h"
+#import "QuartzCoreSPI.h"
 #import "TimingFunction.h"
 #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
 #import <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
@@ -161,20 +162,30 @@
 PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::PlatformCAAnimationCocoa(AnimationType type, const String& keyPath)
     : PlatformCAAnimation(type)
-    if (type == Basic)
+    switch (type) {
+    case Basic:
         m_animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:keyPath];
-    else
+        break;
+    case Keyframe:
         m_animation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:keyPath];
+        break;
+    case Spring:
+        m_animation = [CASpringAnimation animationWithKeyPath:keyPath];
+        break;
+    }
 PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::PlatformCAAnimationCocoa(PlatformAnimationRef animation)
-    if ([static_cast<CAAnimation*>(animation) isKindOfClass:[CABasicAnimation class]])
-        setType(Basic);
-    else if ([static_cast<CAAnimation*>(animation) isKindOfClass:[CAKeyframeAnimation class]])
+    if ([static_cast<CAAnimation*>(animation) isKindOfClass:[CABasicAnimation class]]) {
+        if ([static_cast<CAAnimation*>(animation) isKindOfClass:[CASpringAnimation class]])
+            setType(Spring);
+        else
+            setType(Basic);
+    } else if ([static_cast<CAAnimation*>(animation) isKindOfClass:[CAKeyframeAnimation class]])
     else {
-        ASSERT(0);
@@ -305,7 +316,27 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setTimingFunction(const TimingFunction* value, bool reverse)
-    [m_animation setTimingFunction:toCAMediaTimingFunction(value, reverse)];
+    switch (animationType()) {
+    case Basic:
+    case Keyframe:
+        [m_animation setTimingFunction:toCAMediaTimingFunction(value, reverse)];
+        break;
+    case Spring:
+        if (value->isSpringTimingFunction()) {
+            // FIXME: Handle reverse.
+            auto& function = *static_cast<const SpringTimingFunction*>(value);
+            CASpringAnimation *springAnimation = (CASpringAnimation *)m_animation.get();
+            springAnimation.mass = function.mass();
+            springAnimation.stiffness = function.stiffness();
+            springAnimation.damping = function.damping();
+            springAnimation.initialVelocity = function.initialVelocity();
+            springAnimation.velocity = function.initialVelocity();
+        }
+        break;
+    }
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyTimingFunctionFrom(const PlatformCAAnimation& value)
@@ -346,14 +377,14 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setFromValue(float value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation())
     [static_cast<CABasicAnimation*>(m_animation.get()) setFromValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]];
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setFromValue(const WebCore::TransformationMatrix& value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation())
     [static_cast<CABasicAnimation*>(m_animation.get()) setFromValue:[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:value]];
@@ -361,7 +392,7 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setFromValue(const FloatPoint3D& value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation())
     NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@@ -374,7 +405,7 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setFromValue(const WebCore::Color& value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation())
     NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@@ -394,7 +425,7 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyFromValueFrom(const PlatformCAAnimation& value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic || value.animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation() || !value.isBasicAnimation())
     CABasicAnimation* otherAnimation = static_cast<CABasicAnimation*>(downcast<PlatformCAAnimationCocoa>(value).m_animation.get());
@@ -403,14 +434,14 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setToValue(float value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation())
     [static_cast<CABasicAnimation*>(m_animation.get()) setToValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]];
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setToValue(const WebCore::TransformationMatrix& value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation())
     [static_cast<CABasicAnimation*>(m_animation.get()) setToValue:[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:value]];
@@ -418,7 +449,7 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setToValue(const FloatPoint3D& value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation())
     NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@@ -431,7 +462,7 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::setToValue(const WebCore::Color& value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation())
     NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@@ -451,7 +482,7 @@
 void PlatformCAAnimationCocoa::copyToValueFrom(const PlatformCAAnimation& value)
-    if (animationType() != Basic || value.animationType() != Basic)
+    if (!isBasicAnimation() || !value.isBasicAnimation())
     CABasicAnimation* otherAnimation = static_cast<CABasicAnimation*>(downcast<PlatformCAAnimationCocoa>(value).m_animation.get());

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/spi/cocoa/QuartzCoreSPI.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/spi/cocoa/QuartzCoreSPI.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/spi/cocoa/QuartzCoreSPI.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -141,6 +141,19 @@
 @property BOOL inheritsSecurity;
+@interface CASpringAnimation : CABasicAnimation 
+@property CGFloat mass;
+@property CGFloat stiffness;
+@property CGFloat damping;
+@property CGFloat velocity;
+@interface CASpringAnimation (Private)
+@property CGFloat velocity;
 #endif // __OBJC__

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/ChangeLog (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/ChangeLog	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/ChangeLog	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+2016-06-05  Sam Weinig  <s...@webkit.org>
+        Add experimental support for spring based CSS animations
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158403
+        Reviewed by Dean Jackson.
+        * Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.cpp:
+        (IPC::ArgumentCoder<StepsTimingFunction>::decode):
+        (IPC::ArgumentCoder<SpringTimingFunction>::encode):
+        (IPC::ArgumentCoder<SpringTimingFunction>::decode):
+        (IPC::ArgumentCoder<FloatPoint>::encode):
+        * Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.h:
+        * Shared/WebPreferencesDefinitions.h:
+        * WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
+        (WebKit::WebPage::updatePreferences):
+        * WebProcess/WebPage/mac/PlatformCAAnimationRemote.mm:
+        (WebKit::PlatformCAAnimationRemote::Properties::encode):
+        (WebKit::PlatformCAAnimationRemote::Properties::decode):
+        (WebKit::addAnimationToLayer):
+        Pipe through support for the Spring animation.
 2016-06-07  Michael Catanzaro  <mcatanz...@igalia.com>
         [GTK] Hide GTK+ 2 plugins if GTK+ 2 plugin process was built but is not installed

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/CoordinatedGraphics/CoordinatedGraphicsArgumentCoders.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/CoordinatedGraphics/CoordinatedGraphicsArgumentCoders.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/CoordinatedGraphics/CoordinatedGraphicsArgumentCoders.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -365,7 +365,15 @@
         encoder << steps->stepAtStart();
+    case TimingFunction::SpringFunction: {
+        const SpringTimingFunction* spring = static_cast<const SpringTimingFunction*>(timingFunction);
+        encoder << spring->mass();
+        encoder << spring->stiffness();
+        encoder << spring->damping();
+        encoder << spring->initialVelocity();
+        break;
+    }
 bool decodeTimingFunction(ArgumentDecoder& decoder, RefPtr<TimingFunction>& timingFunction)
@@ -413,7 +421,24 @@
         timingFunction = StepsTimingFunction::create(numberOfSteps, stepAtStart);
         return true;
+    case TimingFunction::SpringFunction: {
+        double mass;
+        if (!decoder.decode(mass))
+            return false;
+        double stiffness;
+        if (!decoder.decode(stiffness))
+            return false;
+        double damping;
+        if (!decoder.decode(damping))
+            return false;
+        double initialVelocity;
+        if (!decoder.decode(initialVelocity))
+            return false;
+        timingFunction = SpringTimingFunction::create(mass, stiffness, damping, initialVelocity);
+        return true;
+    }
     return false;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -265,6 +265,40 @@
     return true;
+void ArgumentCoder<SpringTimingFunction>::encode(ArgumentEncoder& encoder, const SpringTimingFunction& timingFunction)
+    encoder.encodeEnum(timingFunction.type());
+    encoder << timingFunction.mass();
+    encoder << timingFunction.stiffness();
+    encoder << timingFunction.damping();
+    encoder << timingFunction.initialVelocity();
+bool ArgumentCoder<SpringTimingFunction>::decode(ArgumentDecoder& decoder, SpringTimingFunction& timingFunction)
+    // Type is decoded by the caller.
+    double mass;
+    if (!decoder.decode(mass))
+        return false;
+    double stiffness;
+    if (!decoder.decode(stiffness))
+        return false;
+    double damping;
+    if (!decoder.decode(damping))
+        return false;
+    double initialVelocity;
+    if (!decoder.decode(initialVelocity))
+        return false;
+    timingFunction.setValues(mass, stiffness, damping, initialVelocity);
+    return true;
 void ArgumentCoder<FloatPoint>::encode(ArgumentEncoder& encoder, const FloatPoint& floatPoint)
     SimpleArgumentCoder<FloatPoint>::encode(encoder, floatPoint);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 class ResourceRequest;
 class ResourceResponse;
 class SessionID;
+class SpringTimingFunction;
 class StepsTimingFunction;
 class StickyPositionViewportConstraints;
 class TextCheckingRequestData;
@@ -151,6 +152,11 @@
     static bool decode(ArgumentDecoder&, WebCore::StepsTimingFunction&);
+template<> struct ArgumentCoder<WebCore::SpringTimingFunction> {
+    static void encode(ArgumentEncoder&, const WebCore::SpringTimingFunction&);
+    static bool decode(ArgumentDecoder&, WebCore::SpringTimingFunction&);
 template<> struct ArgumentCoder<WebCore::CertificateInfo> {
     static void encode(ArgumentEncoder&, const WebCore::CertificateInfo&);
     static bool decode(ArgumentDecoder&, WebCore::CertificateInfo&);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebPreferencesDefinitions.h (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebPreferencesDefinitions.h	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/Shared/WebPreferencesDefinitions.h	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@
     macro(CSSGridLayoutEnabled, cssGridLayoutEnabled, Bool, bool, true, "CSS Grid", "CSS Grid Layout Module support") \
     macro(CustomElementsEnabled, customElementsEnabled, Bool, bool, true, "Custom Elements", "HTML Custom Elements prototype") \
     macro(WebGL2Enabled, webGL2Enabled, Bool, bool, true, "WebGL 2.0", "WebGL 2 prototype") \
+    macro(SpringTimingFunctionEnabled, springTimingFunctionEnabled, Bool, bool, true, "CSS Spring Animations", "CSS Spring Animation prototype") \

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -3150,6 +3150,8 @@
+    settings.setSpringTimingFunctionEnabled(store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::springTimingFunctionEnabledKey()));
     bool processSuppressionEnabled = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::pageVisibilityBasedProcessSuppressionEnabledKey());
     if (m_processSuppressionEnabled != processSuppressionEnabled) {
         m_processSuppressionEnabled = processSuppressionEnabled;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/mac/PlatformCAAnimationRemote.mm (201758 => 201759)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/mac/PlatformCAAnimationRemote.mm	2016-06-07 18:13:26 UTC (rev 201758)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/mac/PlatformCAAnimationRemote.mm	2016-06-07 18:15:31 UTC (rev 201759)
@@ -196,6 +196,10 @@
         case TimingFunction::StepsFunction:
             encoder << *static_cast<StepsTimingFunction*>(timingFunction.get());
+        case TimingFunction::SpringFunction:
+            encoder << *static_cast<SpringTimingFunction*>(timingFunction.get());
+            break;
@@ -282,6 +286,12 @@
                 if (!decoder.decode(*static_cast<StepsTimingFunction*>(timingFunction.get())))
                     return false;
+            case TimingFunction::SpringFunction:
+                timingFunction = SpringTimingFunction::create();
+                if (!decoder.decode(*static_cast<SpringTimingFunction*>(timingFunction.get())))
+                    return false;
+                break;
@@ -754,7 +764,29 @@
         caAnimation = keyframeAnimation;
+    case PlatformCAAnimation::Spring: {
+        RetainPtr<CASpringAnimation> springAnimation;
+        springAnimation = [CASpringAnimation animationWithKeyPath:properties.keyPath];
+        if (properties.keyValues.size() > 1) {
+            [springAnimation setFromValue:animationValueFromKeyframeValue(properties.keyValues[0])];
+            [springAnimation setToValue:animationValueFromKeyframeValue(properties.keyValues[1])];
+        }
+        if (properties.timingFunctions.size()) {
+            auto& timingFunction = properties.timingFunctions[0];
+            if (timingFunction->isSpringTimingFunction()) {
+                auto& function = *static_cast<const SpringTimingFunction*>(timingFunction.get());
+                [springAnimation setMass:function.mass()];
+                [springAnimation setStiffness:function.stiffness()];
+                [springAnimation setDamping:function.damping()];
+                [springAnimation setInitialVelocity:function.initialVelocity()];
+            }
+        }
+        caAnimation = springAnimation;
+        break;
+    }
     [caAnimation setBeginTime:properties.beginTime];
     [caAnimation setDuration:properties.duration];
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