Title: [270033] trunk
2020-11-19 09:23:47 -0800 (Thu, 19 Nov 2020)

Log Message

Worklet.addModule() should reject promise with an AbortError when the network load fails

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.


Rebaseline WPT tests now that more checks are passing (or keep failing with slighly different

* web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-credentials.https-expected.txt:
* web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-import.https-expected.txt:


Worklet.addModule() should reject promise with an AbortError when the network load fails:
- https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/worklets.html#dom-worklet-addmodule

This also aligns our behavior with Blink.

No new tests, rebaselined existing tests.

* worklets/WorkletGlobalScope.cpp:


Update existing tests to reflect behavior change.

* http/wpt/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-cors.sub.https.html:
* webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure-expected.txt:
* webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure.html:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+2020-11-19  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
+        Worklet.addModule() should reject promise with an AbortError when the network load fails
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=219135
+        Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
+        Update existing tests to reflect behavior change.
+        * http/wpt/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-cors.sub.https.html:
+        * webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure-expected.txt:
+        * webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure.html:
 2020-11-19  Commit Queue  <commit-qu...@webkit.org>
         Unreviewed, reverting r270009.

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/http/wpt/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-cors.sub.https.html (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/http/wpt/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-cors.sub.https.html	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/http/wpt/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-cors.sub.https.html	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 promise_test((t) => {
     const context = new OfflineAudioContext(2, 100, 44100);
-    return promise_rejects_dom(t, "NetworkError", context.audioWorklet.addModule("https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/WebKit/webaudio/resources/dummy-worklet.py"));
+    return promise_rejects_dom(t, "AbortError", context.audioWorklet.addModule("https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/WebKit/webaudio/resources/dummy-worklet.py"));
 }, "cross origin fails without CORS headers");
 promise_test((t) => {

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
 2020-11-19  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
+        Worklet.addModule() should reject promise with an AbortError when the network load fails
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=219135
+        Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
+        Rebaseline WPT tests now that more checks are passing (or keep failing with slighly different
+        output).
+        * web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-credentials.https-expected.txt:
+        * web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-import.https-expected.txt:
+2020-11-19  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
         Resync web-platform-tests/beacon tests from upstream

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-credentials.https-expected.txt (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-credentials.https-expected.txt	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-credentials.https-expected.txt	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 CONSOLE MESSAGE: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
-FAIL Importing a same-origin script with the default WorkletOptions should send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx"
+FAIL Importing a same-origin script with the default WorkletOptions should send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "AbortError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx"
 PASS Importing a remote-origin script with the default WorkletOptions should not send the credentials
-FAIL Importing a same-origin script with credentials=omit should not send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx"
+FAIL Importing a same-origin script with credentials=omit should not send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "AbortError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx"
 PASS Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=omit should not send the credentials
-FAIL Importing a same-origin script with credentials=same-origin should send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx"
+FAIL Importing a same-origin script with credentials=same-origin should send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "AbortError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx"
 PASS Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=same-origin should not send the credentials
-FAIL Importing a same-origin script with credentials=include should send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx"
-FAIL Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=include should send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin."
+FAIL Importing a same-origin script with credentials=include should send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "AbortError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx"
+FAIL Importing a remote-origin script with credentials=include should send the credentials promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "AbortError: Failed to fetch module, error: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin."

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-import.https-expected.txt (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-import.https-expected.txt	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/worklets/audio-worklet-import.https-expected.txt	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
 PASS Importing nested scripts resolves the given promise
 PASS Importing cyclic scripts resolves the given promise
 PASS Importing a script which throws should still resolve the given promise.
-FAIL Importing a non-existent script rejects the given promise with an AbortError. promise_rejects_dom: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Response is not 2xx" that is not a DOMException AbortError: property "code" is equal to 19, expected 20
+PASS Importing a non-existent script rejects the given promise with an AbortError.
 PASS Importing an invalid URL should reject the given promise with a SyntaxError.
 PASS Importing a blob URL should resolve the given promise.
-FAIL Importing a file:// URL should reject the given promise. promise_rejects_dom: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP." that is not a DOMException AbortError: property "code" is equal to 19, expected 20
-FAIL Importing a data URL should resolve the given promise. promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP."
-FAIL Importing about:blank should reject the given promise. promise_rejects_dom: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP." that is not a DOMException AbortError: property "code" is equal to 19, expected 20
+PASS Importing a file:// URL should reject the given promise.
+FAIL Importing a data URL should resolve the given promise. promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "AbortError: Failed to fetch module, error: Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP."
+PASS Importing about:blank should reject the given promise.
 PASS Importing a cross origin resource with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should resolve the given promise
-FAIL Importing a cross origin resource without the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should reject the given promise promise_rejects_dom: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin." that is not a DOMException AbortError: property "code" is equal to 19, expected 20
+PASS Importing a cross origin resource without the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should reject the given promise
 PASS Importing a cross-origin-redirected resource with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should resolve the given promise
-FAIL Importing a cross-origin-redirected resource without the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should reject the given promise promise_rejects_dom: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin." that is not a DOMException AbortError: property "code" is equal to 19, expected 20
+PASS Importing a cross-origin-redirected resource without the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should reject the given promise
 FAIL Importing a script that has a syntax error should reject the given promise. assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
 FAIL Importing a nested script that has a syntax error should reject the given promise. assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
 FAIL Importing a script that imports an invalid identifier should reject the given promise. assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure-expected.txt (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure-expected.txt	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure-expected.txt	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 PASS context.audioWorklet.addModule(invalidURL); rejected promise  with SyntaxError: Module URL is invalid.
-PASS context.audioWorklet.addModule('doesnotExist.js'); rejected promise  with NetworkError: Failed to fetch module, error: The requested URL was not found on this server..
+PASS context.audioWorklet.addModule('doesnotExist.js'); rejected promise  with AbortError: Failed to fetch module, error: The requested URL was not found on this server..
 PASS successfullyParsed is true

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure.html (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure.html	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/webaudio/audioworklet-addModule-failure.html	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 async function test() {
     context = new OfflineAudioContext(2, 100, 44100);
     await shouldRejectWithErrorName("context.audioWorklet.addModule(invalidURL);", "SyntaxError");
-    await shouldRejectWithErrorName("context.audioWorklet.addModule('doesnotExist.js');", "NetworkError");
+    await shouldRejectWithErrorName("context.audioWorklet.addModule('doesnotExist.js');", "AbortError");

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+2020-11-19  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
+        Worklet.addModule() should reject promise with an AbortError when the network load fails
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=219135
+        Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
+        Worklet.addModule() should reject promise with an AbortError when the network load fails:
+        - https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/worklets.html#dom-worklet-addmodule
+        This also aligns our behavior with Blink.
+        No new tests, rebaselined existing tests.
+        * worklets/WorkletGlobalScope.cpp:
+        (WebCore::WorkletGlobalScope::notifyFinished):
 2020-11-19  Antti Koivisto  <an...@apple.com>
         [LFC][Integration] Use inline iterator in CompositeEditCommand::deleteInsignificantText

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/worklets/WorkletGlobalScope.cpp (270032 => 270033)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/worklets/WorkletGlobalScope.cpp	2020-11-19 16:34:39 UTC (rev 270032)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/worklets/WorkletGlobalScope.cpp	2020-11-19 17:23:47 UTC (rev 270033)
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
     auto completedJob = m_scriptFetchJobs.takeFirst();
     if (m_scriptLoader->failed()) {
-        didCompleteScriptFetchJob(WTFMove(completedJob), Exception { NetworkError, makeString("Failed to fetch module, error: ", m_scriptLoader->error().localizedDescription()) });
+        didCompleteScriptFetchJob(WTFMove(completedJob), Exception { AbortError, makeString("Failed to fetch module, error: ", m_scriptLoader->error().localizedDescription()) });
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