Title: [274052] trunk/Tools
2021-03-07 09:41:50 -0800 (Sun, 07 Mar 2021)

Log Message

Transition Cocoa DumpRenderTree to allow any preference keys, not just hard coded supported ones

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

This allows any preference key in a WebPreference*.yaml to be used for Cocoa WebKitLegacy
tests in the comment header command, just like WebKitTestRunner.

* DumpRenderTree/TestOptions.cpp:
Update defaults to only the default values that don't match
defaults in WebPreference*.yaml files and experimental features
that are not supported in but still declare support in the file.

* DumpRenderTree/TestRunner.h:
Remove unimplemented function declaration.

* DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm:
(resetWebPreferencesToConsistentValues): Deleted.
(webPreferenceFeatureValue): Deleted.
Replace most explicit reseting with the combination of _resetForTesting, automatic
enabling experimental features, and use of _set<type>PreferenceForTestingWithValue
from TestOptions.

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Tools/ChangeLog (274051 => 274052)

--- trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2021-03-07 05:35:25 UTC (rev 274051)
+++ trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2021-03-07 17:41:50 UTC (rev 274052)
@@ -1,3 +1,32 @@
+2021-03-07  Sam Weinig  <wei...@apple.com>
+        Transition Cocoa DumpRenderTree to allow any preference keys, not just hard coded supported ones
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=222868
+        Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
+        This allows any preference key in a WebPreference*.yaml to be used for Cocoa WebKitLegacy
+        tests in the comment header command, just like WebKitTestRunner.
+        * DumpRenderTree/TestOptions.cpp:
+        (WTR::TestOptions::defaults):
+        Update defaults to only the default values that don't match
+        defaults in WebPreference*.yaml files and experimental features
+        that are not supported in but still declare support in the file.
+        * DumpRenderTree/TestRunner.h:
+        Remove unimplemented function declaration.
+        * DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm:
+        (setWebPreferencesForTestOptions):
+        (setDefaultsToConsistentValuesForTesting):
+        (prepareConsistentTestingEnvironment):
+        (resetWebPreferencesToConsistentValues): Deleted.
+        (webPreferenceFeatureValue): Deleted.
+        Replace most explicit reseting with the combination of _resetForTesting, automatic
+        enabling experimental features, and use of _set<type>PreferenceForTestingWithValue
+        from TestOptions.
 2021-03-06  David Kilzer  <ddkil...@apple.com>
         webkit-patch won't parse rdar://nnnnnnnn URLs in ChangeLogs

Modified: trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/TestOptions.cpp (274051 => 274052)

--- trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/TestOptions.cpp	2021-03-07 05:35:25 UTC (rev 274051)
+++ trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/TestOptions.cpp	2021-03-07 17:41:50 UTC (rev 274052)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -63,6 +63,65 @@
     static TestFeatures features;
     if (features.boolWebPreferenceFeatures.empty()) {
         features.boolWebPreferenceFeatures = {
+            // These are non-experimental WebPreference values that must always be set as they
+            // differ from the default set in the WebPreferences*.yaml configuration.
+            { "AllowsInlineMediaPlayback", true },
+            { "CanvasUsesAcceleratedDrawing", true },
+            { "ColorFilterEnabled", true },
+            { "CustomPasteboardDataEnabled", true },
+            { "DOMPasteAllowed", true },
+            { "DeveloperExtrasEnabled", true },
+            { "DirectoryUploadEnabled", true },
+            { "DownloadAttributeEnabled", true },
+            { "EncryptedMediaAPIEnabled", true },
+            { "FullScreenEnabled", true },
+            { "GamepadsEnabled", true },
+            { "HiddenPageCSSAnimationSuspensionEnabled", false },
+            { "InlineMediaPlaybackRequiresPlaysInlineAttribute", false },
+            { "JavaEnabled", false },
+            { "_javascript_CanAccessClipboard", true },
+            { "_javascript_CanOpenWindowsAutomatically", true },
+            { "LargeImageAsyncDecodingEnabled", false },
+            { "LinkPreloadEnabled", true },
+            { "MediaCapabilitiesEnabled", true },
+            { "MediaDataLoadsAutomatically", true },
+            { "MediaDevicesEnabled", true },
+            { "MediaPreloadingEnabled", true },
+            { "MockScrollbarsEnabled", true },
+            { "NeedsStorageAccessFromFileURLsQuirk", false },
+            { "OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled", true },
+            { "RequiresUserGestureForAudioPlayback", false },
+            { "RequiresUserGestureForMediaPlayback", false },
+            { "RequiresUserGestureForVideoPlayback", false },
+            { "ShouldPrintBackgrounds", true },
+            { "ShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit", true },
+            { "SubpixelAntialiasedLayerTextEnabled", false },
+            { "TextAreasAreResizable", true },
+            { "TextAutosizingEnabled", false },
+            { "UsesBackForwardCache", false },
+            { "WebAudioEnabled", true },
+            { "WebSQLEnabled", true },
+            { "XSSAuditorEnabled", false },
+            // FIXME: These experimental features are currently the only ones not enabled for WebKitLegacy, we
+            // should either enable them or stop exposing them (as we do with with preferences like HTTP3Enabled).
+            // All other experimental features are automatically enabled regardless of their specified defaults.
+            { "AspectRatioOfImgFromWidthAndHeightEnabled", false },
+            { "AsyncClipboardAPIEnabled", false },
+            { "CSSOMViewSmoothScrollingEnabled", false },
+            { "ContactPickerAPIEnabled", false },
+            { "CoreMathMLEnabled", false },
+            { "GenericCueAPIEnabled", false },
+            { "IntersectionObserverEnabled", false },
+            { "IsLoggedInAPIEnabled", false },
+            { "LazyIframeLoadingEnabled", false },
+            { "LazyImageLoadingEnabled", false },
+            { "RequestIdleCallbackEnabled", false },
+            { "ResizeObserverEnabled", false },
+            { "WebAuthenticationEnabled", false },
+            { "WebGPUEnabled", false },
             // These are WebPreference values that must always be set as they may
             // differ from the default set in the WebPreferences*.yaml configuration.
             { "AcceleratedDrawingEnabled", false },
@@ -108,10 +167,24 @@
             { "UsesBackForwardCache", false },
             { "WebGPUEnabled", false },
             { "XSSAuditorEnabled", false },
         features.uint32WebPreferenceFeatures = {
             { "MinimumFontSize", 0 },
+        features.stringWebPreferenceFeatures = {
+            { "CursiveFontFamily", "Apple Chancery" },
+            { "FantasyFontFamily", "Papyrus" },
+            { "FixedFontFamily", "Courier" },
+            { "PictographFontFamily", "Apple Color Emoji" },
+            { "SansSerifFontFamily", "Helvetica" },
+            { "SerifFontFamily", "Times" },
+            { "StandardFontFamily", "Times" },
+        };
     return features;

Modified: trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/TestRunner.h (274051 => 274052)

--- trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/TestRunner.h	2021-03-07 05:35:25 UTC (rev 274051)
+++ trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/TestRunner.h	2021-03-07 17:41:50 UTC (rev 274052)
@@ -135,10 +135,6 @@
     size_t webHistoryItemCount();
     int windowCount();
-    void setTextAutosizingEnabled(bool);
     void setAccummulateLogsForChannel(JSStringRef);
     void runUIScript(JSContextRef, JSStringRef, JSValueRef callback);

Modified: trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm (274051 => 274052)

--- trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm	2021-03-07 05:35:25 UTC (rev 274051)
+++ trunk/Tools/DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm	2021-03-07 17:41:50 UTC (rev 274052)
@@ -856,114 +856,45 @@
         return [@"~/Library/Application Support/DumpRenderTree" stringByExpandingTildeInPath];
-// Called before each test.
-static void resetWebPreferencesToConsistentValues(WebPreferences *preferences)
+static void setWebPreferencesForTestOptions(WebPreferences *preferences, const WTR::TestOptions& options)
-    [preferences _resetForTesting];
+    [preferences _batchUpdatePreferencesInBlock:^(WebPreferences *preferences) {
+        [preferences _resetForTesting];
-    for (WebFeature *feature in [WebPreferences _experimentalFeatures])
-        [preferences _setEnabled:YES forFeature:feature];
+        for (WebFeature *feature in [WebPreferences _experimentalFeatures])
+            [preferences _setEnabled:YES forFeature:feature];
-    // FIXME: These experimental features are currently the only ones not enabled for WebKitLegacy, we
-    // should either enable them or stop exposing them (as we do with with preferences like HTTP3Enabled).
-    [preferences _setBoolPreferenceForTestingWithValue:NO forKey:@"WebKitGenericCueAPIEnabled"];
-    [preferences _setBoolPreferenceForTestingWithValue:NO forKey:@"WebKitIsLoggedInAPIEnabled"];
-    [preferences _setBoolPreferenceForTestingWithValue:NO forKey:@"WebKitLazyIframeLoadingEnabled"];
-    [preferences _setBoolPreferenceForTestingWithValue:NO forKey:@"WebKitLazyImageLoadingEnabled"];
-    [preferences _setBoolPreferenceForTestingWithValue:NO forKey:@"WebKitWebAuthenticationEnabled"];
+        if (persistentUserStyleSheetLocation()) {
+            preferences.userStyleSheetLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:(__bridge NSString *)persistentUserStyleSheetLocation().get()];
+            preferences.userStyleSheetEnabled = YES;
+        } else
+            preferences.userStyleSheetEnabled = NO;
-    if (persistentUserStyleSheetLocation()) {
-        [preferences setUserStyleSheetLocation:[NSURL URLWithString:(__bridge NSString *)persistentUserStyleSheetLocation().get()]];
-        [preferences setUserStyleSheetEnabled:YES];
-    } else
-        [preferences setUserStyleSheetEnabled:NO];
+        preferences.acceleratedDrawingEnabled = useAcceleratedDrawing;
+        preferences.editableLinkBehavior = WebKitEditableLinkOnlyLiveWithShiftKey;
+        preferences.frameFlattening = WebKitFrameFlatteningDisabled;
+        preferences.cacheModel = WebCacheModelDocumentBrowser;
-    // Enable the tracker before creating the first WebView will
-    // cause initialization to use the correct database paths.
-    [preferences setStorageTrackerEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setMockScrollbarsEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setShouldPrintBackgrounds:YES];
-    [preferences setTextAreasAreResizable:YES];
+        preferences.privateBrowsingEnabled = options.useEphemeralSession();
-    [preferences _setTextAutosizingEnabled:NO];
-    [preferences setAcceleratedCompositingEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setAcceleratedDrawingEnabled:useAcceleratedDrawing];
-    [preferences setAsynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled:NO];
-    [preferences setAudioPlaybackRequiresUserGesture:NO];
-    [preferences setCacheModel:WebCacheModelDocumentBrowser];
-    [preferences setCanvasUsesAcceleratedDrawing:YES];
-    [preferences setColorFilterEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setCursiveFontFamily:@"Apple Chancery"];
-    [preferences setCustomPasteboardDataEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setDataTransferItemsEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setDefaultFixedFontSize:13];
-    [preferences setDefaultFontSize:16];
-    [preferences setDefaultTextEncodingName:@"ISO-8859-1"];
-    [preferences setDirectoryUploadEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setDownloadAttributeEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setEditableLinkBehavior:WebKitEditableLinkOnlyLiveWithShiftKey];
-    [preferences setEncryptedMediaAPIEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setFantasyFontFamily:@"Papyrus"];
-    [preferences setFixedFontFamily:@"Courier"];
-    [preferences setFrameFlattening:WebKitFrameFlatteningDisabled];
-    [preferences setGamepadsEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setHiddenPageCSSAnimationSuspensionEnabled:NO];
-    [preferences setHiddenPageDOMTimerThrottlingEnabled:NO];
-    [preferences setInvisibleAutoplayNotPermitted:NO];
-    [preferences setJavaEnabled:NO];
-    [preferences setJavaScriptRuntimeFlags:WebKitJavaScriptRuntimeFlagsAllEnabled];
-    [preferences setLargeImageAsyncDecodingEnabled:NO];
-    [preferences setLinkPreloadEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setLoadsSiteIconsIgnoringImageLoadingPreference:NO];
-    [preferences setMediaCapabilitiesEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setMediaDataLoadsAutomatically:YES];
-    [preferences setMediaDevicesEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setMediaPlaybackAllowsInline:YES];
-    [preferences setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture:NO];
-    [preferences setMediaPreloadingEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setMediaSourceEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setMetaRefreshEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setModernMediaControlsEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setOfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setPictographFontFamily:@"Apple Color Emoji"];
-    [preferences setSansSerifFontFamily:@"Helvetica"];
-    [preferences setSelectionAcrossShadowBoundariesEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setSerifFontFamily:@"Times"];
-    [preferences setSourceBufferChangeTypeEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setStandardFontFamily:@"Times"];
-    [preferences setSubpixelAntialiasedLayerTextEnabled:NO];
-    [preferences setVideoPlaybackRequiresUserGesture:NO];
-    [preferences setWebAudioEnabled:YES];
-    [preferences setWebSQLEnabled:YES];
+        for (const auto& [key, value] : options.boolWebPreferenceFeatures())
+            [preferences _setBoolPreferenceForTestingWithValue:value forKey:toNS(WTR::TestOptions::toWebKitLegacyPreferenceKey(key)).get()];
-    [WebPreferences _clearNetworkLoaderSession];
-    [WebPreferences _setCurrentNetworkLoaderSessionCookieAcceptPolicy:NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyOnlyFromMainDocumentDomain];
+        for (const auto& [key, value] : options.doubleWebPreferenceFeatures())
+            [preferences _setDoublePreferenceForTestingWithValue:value forKey:toNS(WTR::TestOptions::toWebKitLegacyPreferenceKey(key)).get()];
-template<typename T> T webPreferenceFeatureValue(const std::string& key, const std::unordered_map<std::string, T>& map)
-    auto it = map.find(key);
-    ASSERT(it != map.end());
-    return it->second;
+        for (const auto& [key, value] : options.uint32WebPreferenceFeatures())
+            [preferences _setUInt32PreferenceForTestingWithValue:value forKey:toNS(WTR::TestOptions::toWebKitLegacyPreferenceKey(key)).get()];
-static void setWebPreferencesForTestOptions(WebPreferences *preferences, const WTR::TestOptions& options)
-    [preferences _batchUpdatePreferencesInBlock:^(WebPreferences *preferences) {
-        resetWebPreferencesToConsistentValues(preferences);
+        for (const auto& [key, value] : options.stringWebPreferenceFeatures())
+            [preferences _setStringPreferenceForTestingWithValue:toNS(value).get() forKey:toNS(WTR::TestOptions::toWebKitLegacyPreferenceKey(key)).get()];
-        preferences.privateBrowsingEnabled = options.useEphemeralSession();
+        // FIXME: Tests currently expect this to always be false in WebKitLegacy testing - https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=222864.
+        [preferences _setBoolPreferenceForTestingWithValue:NO forKey:@"WebKitLayoutFormattingContextEnabled"];
+    }];
-        // FIXME: Remove these once there is a viable mechanism for reseting WebPreferences between tests,
-        // at which point, we will not need to manually reset every supported preference for each test.
-        for (const auto& key : options.supportedBoolWebPreferenceFeatures())
-            [preferences _setBoolPreferenceForTestingWithValue:webPreferenceFeatureValue(key, options.boolWebPreferenceFeatures()) forKey:toNS(WTR::TestOptions::toWebKitLegacyPreferenceKey(key)).get()];
-        for (const auto& key : options.supportedUInt32WebPreferenceFeatures())
-            [preferences _setUInt32PreferenceForTestingWithValue:webPreferenceFeatureValue(key, options.uint32WebPreferenceFeatures()) forKey:toNS(WTR::TestOptions::toWebKitLegacyPreferenceKey(key)).get()];
-    }];
+    [WebPreferences _clearNetworkLoaderSession];
+    [WebPreferences _setCurrentNetworkLoaderSessionCookieAcceptPolicy:NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyOnlyFromMainDocumentDomain];
 // Called once on DumpRenderTree startup.
@@ -987,9 +918,6 @@
         @"AppleOtherHighlightColor":@"0.500000 0.500000 0.500000",
         @"AppleLanguages": @[ @"en" ],
         WebKitEnableFullDocumentTeardownPreferenceKey: @YES,
-        WebKitFullScreenEnabledPreferenceKey: @YES,
-        WebKitAllowsInlineMediaPlaybackPreferenceKey: @YES,
-        WebKitInlineMediaPlaybackRequiresPlaysInlineAttributeKey: @NO,
         @"UseWebKitWebInspector": @YES,
         @"NSPreferredSpellServerLanguage": @"en_US",
@@ -1158,7 +1086,7 @@
 static void prepareConsistentTestingEnvironment()
     poseAsClass("DumpRenderTreePasteboard", "NSPasteboard");
     poseAsClass("DumpRenderTreeEvent", "NSEvent");
@@ -1173,7 +1101,7 @@
     [WebPreferences _switchNetworkLoaderToNewTestingSession];
@@ -1181,6 +1109,9 @@
     [[WebPreferences standardPreferences] setMockScrollbarsEnabled:YES];
+    // Enable the tracker before creating the first WebView will cause initialization to use the correct database paths.
+    [[WebPreferences standardPreferences] setStorageTrackerEnabled:YES];
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