Title: [290864] trunk
2022-03-05 03:18:55 -0800 (Sat, 05 Mar 2022)

Log Message

[css-cascade] Let 'revert-layer' in lowest layer roll back to user styles

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.


Add test. It still has some remaining failures due to bug 236272.

* web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop-expected.txt: Added.
* web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop.html: Added.


When 'revert-layer' was used in the lowest @layer, then it would behave
as 'unset'. This patch fixes ensureRollbackCascadeForRevertLayer() to
not return nullptr and instead return ensureRollbackCascadeForRevert()
in that case. This imples that 'revert-layer' will behave like 'revert'
and roll back to user (or UA) styles.

Test: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop.html

* style/StyleBuilder.cpp:

Modified Paths

Added Paths


Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog (290863 => 290864)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog	2022-03-05 07:22:15 UTC (rev 290863)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog	2022-03-05 11:18:55 UTC (rev 290864)
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+2022-03-05  Oriol Brufau  <obru...@igalia.com>
+        [css-cascade] Let 'revert-layer' in lowest layer roll back to user styles
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=237486
+        Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
+        Add test. It still has some remaining failures due to bug 236272.
+        * web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop-expected.txt: Added.
+        * web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop.html: Added.
 2022-03-04  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
         Home link on weather.gov is not working

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop-expected.txt (0 => 290864)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop-expected.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop-expected.txt	2022-03-05 11:18:55 UTC (rev 290864)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+PASS abbr
+PASS address
+PASS area
+PASS article
+PASS aside
+PASS audio
+PASS base
+PASS bdi
+PASS bdo
+PASS blockquote
+PASS body
+PASS br
+PASS button
+PASS canvas
+PASS caption
+PASS cite
+PASS code
+PASS col
+PASS colgroup
+PASS data
+PASS datalist
+PASS dd
+FAIL del assert_equals: text-decoration expected "line-through" but got "none"
+PASS details
+PASS dfn
+PASS dialog
+PASS div
+PASS dl
+PASS dt
+PASS em
+PASS embed
+PASS fieldset
+PASS figcaption
+PASS figure
+PASS footer
+PASS form
+PASS h1
+PASS h2
+PASS h3
+PASS h4
+PASS h5
+PASS h6
+PASS head
+PASS header
+PASS hr
+PASS html
+PASS iframe
+PASS img
+PASS input
+FAIL ins assert_equals: text-decoration expected "underline" but got "none"
+PASS kbd
+PASS label
+PASS legend
+PASS li
+PASS link
+PASS main
+PASS map
+PASS mark
+PASS math
+PASS menu
+PASS meta
+PASS meter
+PASS nav
+PASS noscript
+PASS object
+PASS ol
+PASS optgroup
+PASS option
+PASS output
+PASS param
+PASS pre
+PASS progress
+PASS rp
+PASS rt
+PASS ruby
+FAIL s assert_equals: text-decoration expected "line-through" but got "none"
+PASS samp
+PASS script
+PASS section
+PASS select
+PASS slot
+PASS small
+PASS source
+PASS span
+PASS strong
+PASS style
+PASS sub
+PASS summary
+PASS sup
+PASS svg
+PASS table
+PASS tbody
+PASS td
+PASS template
+PASS textarea
+PASS tfoot
+PASS th
+PASS thead
+PASS time
+PASS title
+PASS tr
+PASS track
+FAIL u assert_equals: text-decoration expected "underline" but got "none"
+PASS ul
+PASS var
+PASS video
+PASS wbr
+PASS z-custom

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop.html (0 => 290864)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop.html	2022-03-05 11:18:55 UTC (rev 290864)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<title>CSS Cascade: "all: revert-layer"</title>
+<link rel="author" title="Oriol Brufau" href=""
+<link rel="help" href=""
+<meta name="assert" content="Checks that adding 'all: revert-layer' inside @layer has no effect on elements with no other author rules.">
+@layer {
+  .revert-all {
+    all: revert-layer;
+  }
+<div id="log"></div>
+<div id="wrapper"></div>
+<script src=""
+<script src=""
+<script src=""
+function cloneStyle(style) {
+  const clone = Object.create(null);
+  for (let property of style) {
+    clone[property] = style.getPropertyValue(property);
+  }
+  return clone;
+function assertSameClones(clone1, clone2, callback) {
+  for (let property in clone1) {
+    const value1 = clone1[property];
+    const value2 = clone2[property];
+    // assert_equals is slow, so only call it if it's going to fail.
+    if (value1 !== value2) {
+      assert_equals(value1, value2, property);
+    }
+  }
+const wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper");
+const elementNames = [...HTML5_ELEMENTS, "math", "svg", "z-custom"].sort();
+for (let elementName of elementNames) {
+  test(function() {
+    const element = document.createElement(elementName);
+    wrapper.appendChild(element);
+    const style = getComputedStyle(element);
+    const clonedBaseStyle = cloneStyle(style);
+    element.classList.add("revert-all");
+    const clonedRevertedStyle = cloneStyle(style);
+    assertSameClones(clonedRevertedStyle, clonedBaseStyle);
+  }, elementName);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (290863 => 290864)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2022-03-05 07:22:15 UTC (rev 290863)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2022-03-05 11:18:55 UTC (rev 290864)
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+2022-03-05  Oriol Brufau  <obru...@igalia.com>
+        [css-cascade] Let 'revert-layer' in lowest layer roll back to user styles
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=237486
+        Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
+        When 'revert-layer' was used in the lowest @layer, then it would behave
+        as 'unset'. This patch fixes ensureRollbackCascadeForRevertLayer() to
+        not return nullptr and instead return ensureRollbackCascadeForRevert()
+        in that case. This imples that 'revert-layer' will behave like 'revert'
+        and roll back to user (or UA) styles.
+        Test: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-cascade/all-prop-revert-layer-noop.html
+        * style/StyleBuilder.cpp:
+        (WebCore::Style::Builder::ensureRollbackCascadeForRevertLayer):
 2022-03-04  Simon Fraser  <simon.fra...@apple.com>
         Optimize the padding in StyleRareInheritedData

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/style/StyleBuilder.cpp (290863 => 290864)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/style/StyleBuilder.cpp	2022-03-05 07:22:15 UTC (rev 290863)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/style/StyleBuilder.cpp	2022-03-05 11:18:55 UTC (rev 290864)
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
     auto& property = *m_state.m_currentProperty;
     auto rollbackLayerPriority = property.cascadeLayerPriority;
     if (!rollbackLayerPriority)
-        return nullptr;
+        return ensureRollbackCascadeForRevert();
     ASSERT(property.fromStyleAttribute == FromStyleAttribute::No || property.cascadeLayerPriority == RuleSet::cascadeLayerPriorityForUnlayered);
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