Title: [87593] trunk/Tools
2011-05-27 19:11:00 -0700 (Fri, 27 May 2011)

Log Message

2011-05-27  Dirk Pranke  <dpra...@chromium.org>

        Reviewed by Adam Barth.

        NRWT: remove --print detailed-progress

        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/manager_worker_broker.py:
        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing.py:
        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing_unittest.py:
        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Tools/ChangeLog (87592 => 87593)

--- trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2011-05-28 02:00:13 UTC (rev 87592)
+++ trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2011-05-28 02:11:00 UTC (rev 87593)
@@ -10,6 +10,18 @@
 2011-05-27  Dirk Pranke  <dpra...@chromium.org>
+        Reviewed by Adam Barth.
+        NRWT: remove --print detailed-progress
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60324
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/manager_worker_broker.py:
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing.py:
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing_unittest.py:
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py:
+2011-05-27  Dirk Pranke  <dpra...@chromium.org>
         Reviewed by Ojan Vafai.
         NRWT: debug messages from the workers are being logged twice

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/manager_worker_broker.py (87592 => 87593)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/manager_worker_broker.py	2011-05-28 02:00:13 UTC (rev 87592)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/manager_worker_broker.py	2011-05-28 02:11:00 UTC (rev 87593)
@@ -329,7 +329,6 @@
             # somewhere other than sys.stderr and sys.stdout, but I'm not sure
             # if this will be an issue in practice.
             printer = printing.Printer(port_obj, options, sys.stderr, sys.stdout,
-                int(options.child_processes), options.experimental_fully_parallel,

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing.py (87592 => 87593)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing.py	2011-05-28 02:00:13 UTC (rev 87592)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing.py	2011-05-28 02:11:00 UTC (rev 87593)
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
     nothing             don't print anything. This overrides every other option
     default             include the default options. This is useful for logging
                         the default options plus additional settings.
-    everything          print everything (except the trace-* options and the
-                        detailed-progress option, see below for the full list )
+    everything          print (almost) everything (except the trace-* options,
+                        see below for the full list )
     misc                print miscellaneous things like blank lines
 At the beginning of the run:
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@
                         (# passes, # failures, etc.)
 During the run:
-    detailed-progress   print one dot per test completed
     one-line-progress   print a one-line progress bar
     unexpected          print any unexpected results as they occur
     updates             print updates on which stage is executing
@@ -88,12 +87,6 @@
     one-line-summary    print a one-line summary of the run
-    - 'detailed-progress' can only be used if running in a single thread
-      (using --child-processes=1) or a single queue of tests (using
-       --experimental-fully-parallel). If these conditions aren't true,
-      'one-line-progress' will be used instead.
-    - If both 'detailed-progress' and 'one-line-progress' are specified (and
-      both are possible), 'detailed-progress' will be used.
     - If 'nothing' is specified, it overrides all of the other options.
     - Specifying --verbose is equivalent to --print everything plus it
       changes the format of the log messages to add timestamps and other
@@ -125,8 +118,7 @@
-def parse_print_options(print_options, verbose, child_processes,
-                        is_fully_parallel):
+def parse_print_options(print_options, verbose):
     """Parse the options provided to --print and dedup and rank them.
@@ -143,15 +135,6 @@
     if 'nothing' in switches:
         return set()
-    if (child_processes != 1 and not is_fully_parallel and
-        'detailed-progress' in switches):
-        _log.warn("Can only print 'detailed-progress' if running "
-                  "with --child-processes=1 or "
-                  "with --experimental-fully-parallel. "
-                  "Using 'one-line-progress' instead.")
-        switches.discard('detailed-progress')
-        switches.add('one-line-progress')
     if 'everything' in switches:
@@ -160,11 +143,7 @@
-    if 'detailed-progress' in switches:
-        switches.discard('one-line-progress')
     if 'trace-everything' in switches:
-        switches.discard('detailed-progress')
@@ -210,7 +189,7 @@
     By default the buildbot-parsed code gets logged to stdout, and regular
     output gets logged to stderr."""
     def __init__(self, port, options, regular_output, buildbot_output,
-                 child_processes, is_fully_parallel, configure_logging):
+                 configure_logging):
           port               interface to port-specific routines
@@ -219,30 +198,14 @@
                              should be written
           buildbot_output    stream to which output intended to be read by
                              the buildbots (and humans) should be written
-          child_processes    number of parallel threads running (usually
-                             controlled by --child-processes)
-          is_fully_parallel  are the tests running in a single queue, or
-                             in shards (usually controlled by
-                             --experimental-fully-parallel)
           configure_loggign  Whether a logging handler should be registered
-        Note that the fourth and fifth args are separate rather than bundled into
-        the options structure so that this object does not assume any flags
-        set in options that weren't returned from logging_options(), above.
-        The two are used to determine whether or not we can sensibly use
-        the 'detailed-progress' option, or can only use 'one-line-progress'.
         self._buildbot_stream = buildbot_output
         self._options = options
         self._port = port
         self._stream = regular_output
-        # These are used for --print detailed-progress to track status by
-        # directory.
-        self._current_dir = None
-        self._current_progress_str = ""
-        self._current_test_number = 0
         self._meter = metered_stream.MeteredStream(options.verbose,
         self._logging_handler = None
@@ -250,7 +213,7 @@
             self._logging_handler = _configure_logging(self._meter, options.verbose)
         self.switches = parse_print_options(options.print_options,
-            options.verbose, child_processes, is_fully_parallel)
+            options.verbose)
     def cleanup(self):
         """Restore logging configuration to its initial settings."""
@@ -334,10 +297,7 @@
         if (self.enabled('trace-everything') or
             self.enabled('trace-unexpected') and not expected):
             self._print_test_trace(result, exp_str, got_str)
-        elif (not expected and self.enabled('unexpected') and
-              self.disabled('detailed-progress')):
-            # Note: 'detailed-progress' handles unexpected results internally,
-            # so we skip it here.
+        elif not expected and self.enabled('unexpected'):
     def _print_test_trace(self, result, exp_str, got_str):
@@ -377,9 +337,7 @@
     def print_progress(self, result_summary, retrying, test_list):
         """Print progress through the tests as determined by --print."""
-        if self.enabled('detailed-progress'):
-            self._print_detailed_progress(result_summary, test_list)
-        elif self.enabled('one-line-progress'):
+        if self.enabled('one-line-progress'):
             self._print_one_line_progress(result_summary, retrying)
@@ -398,50 +356,6 @@
             " %d left" % (action, percent_complete, result_summary.expected,
              result_summary.unexpected, result_summary.remaining))
-    def _print_detailed_progress(self, result_summary, test_list):
-        """Display detailed progress output where we print the directory name
-        and one dot for each completed test. This is triggered by
-        "--log detailed-progress"."""
-        if self._current_test_number == len(test_list):
-            return
-        next_test = test_list[self._current_test_number]
-        next_dir = self._port._filesystem.dirname(
-            self._port.relative_test_filename(next_test))
-        if self._current_progress_str == "":
-            self._current_progress_str = "%s: " % (next_dir)
-            self._current_dir = next_dir
-        while next_test in result_summary.results:
-            if next_dir != self._current_dir:
-                self._meter.write("%s\n" % (self._current_progress_str))
-                self._current_progress_str = "%s: ." % (next_dir)
-                self._current_dir = next_dir
-            else:
-                self._current_progress_str += "."
-            if (next_test in result_summary.unexpected_results and
-                self.enabled('unexpected')):
-                self._meter.write("%s\n" % self._current_progress_str)
-                test_result = result_summary.results[next_test]
-                self._print_unexpected_test_result(test_result)
-                self._current_progress_str = "%s: " % self._current_dir
-            self._current_test_number += 1
-            if self._current_test_number == len(test_list):
-                break
-            next_test = test_list[self._current_test_number]
-            next_dir = self._port._filesystem.dirname(
-                self._port.relative_test_filename(next_test))
-        if result_summary.remaining:
-            remain_str = " (%d)" % (result_summary.remaining)
-            self._meter.progress("%s%s" % (self._current_progress_str,
-                                           remain_str))
-        else:
-            self._meter.progress("%s" % (self._current_progress_str))
     def print_unexpected_results(self, unexpected_results):
         """Prints a list of the unexpected results to the buildbot stream."""
         if self.disabled('unexpected-results'):

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing_unittest.py (87592 => 87593)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing_unittest.py	2011-05-28 02:00:13 UTC (rev 87592)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing_unittest.py	2011-05-28 02:11:00 UTC (rev 87593)
@@ -77,18 +77,14 @@
         self.assertTrue(options is not None)
     def test_parse_print_options(self):
-        def test_switches(args, expected_switches_str,
-                          verbose=False, child_processes=1,
-                          is_fully_parallel=False):
+        def test_switches(args, expected_switches_str, verbose=False):
             options, args = get_options(args)
             if expected_switches_str:
                 expected_switches = set(expected_switches_str.split(','))
                 expected_switches = set()
             switches = printing.parse_print_options(options.print_options,
-                                                    verbose,
-                                                    child_processes,
-                                                    is_fully_parallel)
+                                                    verbose)
             self.assertEqual(expected_switches, switches)
         # test that we default to the default set of switches
@@ -112,23 +108,18 @@
 class  Testprinter(unittest.TestCase):
-    def get_printer(self, args=None, single_threaded=False,
-                   is_fully_parallel=False):
+    def get_printer(self, args=None):
         args = args or []
         printing_options = printing.print_options()
         option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_list=printing_options)
         options, args = option_parser.parse_args(args)
         self._port = port.get('test', options)
         nproc = 2
-        if single_threaded:
-            nproc = 1
         regular_output = array_stream.ArrayStream()
         buildbot_output = array_stream.ArrayStream()
         printer = printing.Printer(self._port, options, regular_output,
-                                   buildbot_output, single_threaded,
-                                   is_fully_parallel,
-                                   configure_logging=True)
+                                   buildbot_output, configure_logging=True)
         return printer, regular_output, buildbot_output
     def get_result(self, test, result_type=test_expectations.PASS, run_time=0):
@@ -361,79 +352,6 @@
-    def test_print_progress__detailed(self):
-        tests = ['passes/text.html', 'failures/expected/timeout.html',
-                 'failures/expected/crash.html']
-        expectations = 'BUGX : failures/expected/timeout.html = TIMEOUT'
-        # first, test that it is disabled properly
-        # should still print one-line-progress
-        printer, err, out = self.get_printer(
-            ['--print', 'detailed-progress'], single_threaded=False)
-        paths, rs, exp = self.get_result_summary(tests, expectations)
-        printer.print_progress(rs, False, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
-        # now test the enabled paths
-        printer, err, out = self.get_printer(
-            ['--print', 'detailed-progress'], single_threaded=True)
-        paths, rs, exp = self.get_result_summary(tests, expectations)
-        printer.print_progress(rs, False, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
-        err.reset()
-        out.reset()
-        printer.print_progress(rs, True, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
-        rs.add(self.get_result('passes/text.html', test_expectations.TIMEOUT), False)
-        rs.add(self.get_result('failures/expected/timeout.html'), True)
-        rs.add(self.get_result('failures/expected/crash.html', test_expectations.CRASH), True)
-        err.reset()
-        out.reset()
-        printer.print_progress(rs, False, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
-        # We only clear the meter when retrying w/ detailed-progress.
-        err.reset()
-        out.reset()
-        printer.print_progress(rs, True, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
-        printer, err, out = self.get_printer(
-            ['--print', 'detailed-progress,unexpected'], single_threaded=True)
-        paths, rs, exp = self.get_result_summary(tests, expectations)
-        printer.print_progress(rs, False, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
-        err.reset()
-        out.reset()
-        printer.print_progress(rs, True, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
-        rs.add(self.get_result('passes/text.html', test_expectations.TIMEOUT), False)
-        rs.add(self.get_result('failures/expected/timeout.html'), True)
-        rs.add(self.get_result('failures/expected/crash.html', test_expectations.CRASH), True)
-        err.reset()
-        out.reset()
-        printer.print_progress(rs, False, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
-        # We only clear the meter when retrying w/ detailed-progress.
-        err.reset()
-        out.reset()
-        printer.print_progress(rs, True, paths)
-        self.assertFalse(err.empty())
-        self.assertTrue(out.empty())
     def test_write_nothing(self):
         printer, err, out = self.get_printer(['--print', 'nothing'])

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py (87592 => 87593)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py	2011-05-28 02:00:13 UTC (rev 87592)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py	2011-05-28 02:11:00 UTC (rev 87593)
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@
     warnings = _set_up_derived_options(port, options)
     printer = printing.Printer(port, options, regular_output, buildbot_output,
-        int(options.child_processes), options.experimental_fully_parallel,
-        configure_logging=True)
+                               configure_logging=True)
     for w in warnings:
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