> Why not double-down on the GitHub wiki? It's very easy to learn to use,
> and there are edit buttons everywhere so there is no "distance" between
> the docs and the ability to edit them. The easier it is to edit docs,
> the better we'll do at keeping them up to date.
> I like Markdown, and am OK with editing Markdown files wherever they
> live, but it's not very likely that I would install Swift and figure
> out how to build a new project to to see what the result looks like.
> With GitHub, we can easily preview results live to ensure we're not
> messing anything up.

Also, Markdown is not the only format supported by GitHub. It's also possible to
use AsciiDoc, POD, reStructuredText, or any other format listed in [1] in any
file of main repository or in wiki, and it will be rendered to HTML when 

[1] https://github.com/github/markup/blob/master/README.md#markups

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