Hi all,

I have a question for Webkit designers.

The Css specifications are easy to translate
in logic formulas. Every logical formula could be
expressed in the Event Condition Action form.
For example:

Event: parser finds a selector
Action: currentSelector = selector
Condition: true
Event: parser finds a property 'font-family'
Action: forall tags | set the font-family property
Condition: tags.selector == currentSelector and etc....

Actions could be mapped directly
on the graphics primitives.

In my opinion this approach is important for two reasons:

1) You'll be able to check if your understanding of specs
is consistent.
2) You'll be able to derive the render component code automatically
from the specs.

I would like to implement this approach in the Webkit project
for my master thesis in computer science.

Do you have any suggestion?  What do you
think about this approach?

Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards.
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