Hi there,

again in about 2 years the $subject did happen:

“Cannot obtain globalId for an object which is registered in an other than the 
databaseContext's active editingContext, object: 
[USER#1000175@EC:34ea315d/OSC:77b7ffa4], databaseContext: 
com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext@512d92b, object's editingContext: 
EC:34ea315d/OSC:77b7ffa4, databaseContext's active editingContext: 

(ECs are my subclasses which log out the appropriate OSC, too; did that when 
I've hunted for bugs in multi-OSC environment. Unimportant here, in this case 
all OSCs are same.)

Again, as before, the cause were the changes previously stored for later in 
another EC (since when they actually happened, the EC was locked). The 
important stack items (far as I can say) are here (full stack at the end of the 
message, should it help):

- EODatabaseContext._globalIDForObject(EODatabaseContext.java:4660) # failed, 
since this._editingContext=EC:7de5b11a, object.editingContext=EC:34ea315d
- EOCustomObject.includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey(EOCustomObject.java:904) # 
pretty sure both were in the same EC, 34ea315d
- EOEditingContext._processNotificationQueue(EOEditingContext.java:4741) # 
should be EC:34ea315d, whose merge queue happens to be non-empty
- EOEditingContext._globalIDChanged(EOEditingContext.java:2038) # EC:34ea315d 
received the notification and tries to merge stored changes
- EODatabaseContext.commitChanges(EODatabaseContext.java:6377) # 
postNotification "EOGlobalIDChangedNotification"
 # EC:7de5b11a, normal save, happens to be a single insert, which is quadruple 
weird :-O (I believe a single insert actually should not trigger change 

I've spent a cosy night over the logs and Wonder sources and the documentation 
etc., and found sweet nothing — I'm still not the slightest bit smarter than 2 
yrs ago :(

It seems to me that
(a) it is quite normal that during save of EC:A, any number of ECs:B,C,D... 
could be merging changes saved for later in their EOGlobalIDChangedNotification 
(b) which should, though, never ever happen while EC:A is set as the EODBC's 
active context — actually the contexts should be set properly for each the EC.

Can anybody perhaps see the possible culprit?

It really does not seem a cross-EC relationship can be the culprit. I might 
still overlook something, but I am pretty darn sure that the 
includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey method has been called with both the receiver 
and object in the same EC, the one which was merging its previously stored 
changes, 34ea315d.

I am pretty sure the culprit was that at the moment this happened, the EODBC's 
active context was the one which did run the original save, 7de5b11a.

How the B.H. is that possible though?

Note: far as I can say with my logs, there happened to be *NO* thread 
concurrency at the moment, which makes it even more weird. Far as my logs say, 
no other thread did *anything* when my worker thread (a) saved a single simple 
insert in EC:7de5b11a, (b) which, as as side-effect, caused the EC:34ea315d to 
merge its previously saved changes, (c) which threw the exception as detailed 
above. Sigh.

On the other hand, a (successful, uneventful) save in EC:7de5b11a which _did 
change_ the very USER#1000175 object did happen _very shortly_ before (about 20 
ms before). In the same thread, in the same EC. I can't quite see how it can be 
important (far as I can say, there's no timer like “having saved X, merge 
changes to other ECs in couple of millis“ or so), but then, I still can be 
overlooking something of great importance.

Thanks a lot for any insight,

=== full stack in case it helps (did not to me :/ )
Note please OCSEC is my own ERXEC subclass, which in this case does essentially 
nothing but logs out. Especially OCSEC._processObjectStoreChanges just logs (so 
that I know whether the merge happens or not, and if it does, with what data) 
and then calls super. Same with my own lock(), it does essentially nothing 
(first calls super and only then logs out, which in this case did not happen, 
for the exception happened inside of super.lock):

- EODatabaseContext._globalIDForObject(EODatabaseContext.java:4660)
- EODatabaseContext.databaseOperationForObject(EODatabaseContext.java:4767)
- EODatabaseContext.valuesForKeys(EODatabaseContext.java:6535)
- EOObjectStoreCoordinator.valuesForKeys(EOObjectStoreCoordinator.java:326)
- EODatabaseContext.objectsWithFetchSpecification(EODatabaseContext.java:3195)
- EOEditingContext.objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOEditingContext.java:4069)
- ERXEC.objectsWithFetchSpecification(ERXEC.java:1307)
- EODatabaseContext.objectsForSourceGlobalID(EODatabaseContext.java:4084)
- EOEditingContext.objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOEditingContext.java:3923)
- ERXEC.objectsForSourceGlobalID(ERXEC.java:1267)
- EODatabaseContext._fireArrayFault(EODatabaseContext.java:4245)
- _EOCheapCopyMutableArray.willRead(_EOCheapCopyMutableArray.java:39)
- _EOCheapCopyMutableArray.count(_EOCheapCopyMutableArray.java:99)
- NSArray.containsObject(NSArray.java:459)
- EOCustomObject.includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey(EOCustomObject.java:904)
- ERXGenericRecord.includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey(ERXGenericRecord.java:1291)
- ERXGenericRecord$includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey$6.callCurrent(:-1)
- ERXGenericRecord$includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey$6.callCurrent(:-1)
- _DBUser.addToAuctionAccess(_DBUser.groovy:277)
- NSSelector._safeInvokeMethod(NSSelector.java:122)
- EOCustomObject.addObjectToPropertyWithKey(EOCustomObject.java:940)
- EOEditingContext._mergeValueForKey(EOEditingContext.java:660)
- EOEditingContext._mergeObjectWithChanges(EOEditingContext.java:3457)
- EOEditingContext._processObjectStoreChanges(EOEditingContext.java:3546)
- ERXEC._processObjectStoreChanges(ERXEC.java:1555)
- OCSEC.super$4$_processObjectStoreChanges(OCSEnterpriseObject.groovy:-1)
- OCSEC._processObjectStoreChanges(OCSEnterpriseObject.groovy:137)
- NSSelector.invoke(NSSelector.java:358)
- NSSelector._safeInvokeSelector(NSSelector.java:110)
- EOEditingContext._processNotificationQueue(EOEditingContext.java:4741)
- EOEditingContext.lock(EOEditingContext.java:4620)
- ERXEC.lock(ERXEC.java:568)
- OCSEC.super$4$lock(OCSEnterpriseObject.groovy:-1)
- OCSEC.lock(OCSEnterpriseObject.groovy:224)
- EOEditingContext.tryLock(EOEditingContext.java:4632)
- EOEditingContext._sendOrEnqueueNotification(EOEditingContext.java:4705)
- EOEditingContext._globalIDChanged(EOEditingContext.java:2038)
- NSSelector._safeInvokeMethod(NSSelector.java:122)
- NSNotificationCenter$_Entry.invokeMethod(NSNotificationCenter.java:588)
- NSNotificationCenter.postNotification(NSNotificationCenter.java:532)
- NSNotificationCenter.postNotification(NSNotificationCenter.java:562)
- NSSelector._safeInvokeMethod(NSSelector.java:122)
- NSNotificationCenter$_Entry.invokeMethod(NSNotificationCenter.java:588)
- NSNotificationCenter.postNotification(NSNotificationCenter.java:532)
- NSNotificationCenter.postNotification(NSNotificationCenter.java:562)
- EODatabaseContext.commitChanges(EODatabaseContext.java:6377)
- EOEditingContext.saveChanges(EOEditingContext.java:3192)
- ERXEC._saveChanges(ERXEC.java:1178)
- ERXEC.saveChanges(ERXEC.java:1099)
- OCSEC.super$4$saveChanges(OCSEnterpriseObject.groovy:-1)
- OCSEC.saveChanges(OCSEnterpriseObject.groovy:106)
- OCSEC$saveChanges.call(:-1)

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