To add some context to the Frame-Options and CSP UI Safety directives 
discussion, here's my summary of the current and historical proposals:

HTML-based web applications can embed or "frame" other web applications. 
Unfortunately, if done in an unrestricted fashion, this can lead to various 
attacks, both on the embedded/framed application, or on the framing application 
(the "ancestor"). 

There are various extant, similar approaches to mitigating this, both deployed 
and proposed, and their names vary somewhat. 

This message is an attempt to list all the various names of, and briefly 
summarize, each approach. 

The approaches are:

"X-Frame-Options" HTTP response header field

"frame-ancestors" Content Security Policy directive 

"Frame-Options" HTTP response header field

"embed-ancestors"  of Content Security Policy UI Safety directives



This was the first widely adopted solution to clickjacking, a header to 
instruct user agents to disallow embedding a resource in an iframe, or only 
allow it in top-level resources of the same origin.  Developed independently by 
Microsoft in Internet Explorer, support for the header has been widely 
implemented in other browsers. tracks the 
status of an effort at the WebSec WG to document the existing behavior of 
applications setting and user agents supporting X-Frame-Options in an 
informational-track I-D.  (note: this specification is distinct from the 
"Frame-options" spec discussed below)

In this draft, the supported parameters are: "DENY", "SAMEORIGIN" and 

It's behaviors are specified to apply to content embedded through the iframe, 
frame, and object tags, as well as plugins that "appear essentially as frames".

There is some risk of confusion induced by the fact that the draft includes the 
"ALLOW-FROM" parameter, which was added after the original X-Frame-Options 
"specification" (in a couple of posts on and is not uniformly 
implemented in the user agent population.  

Current implementations also do not consider "port" as a component of the 
origin, conflicting with [RFC6454].

Although the draft primarily specifies behavior implemented by web user agents 
regarding HTML rendering, it was accepted by the WebSec WG of the IETF rather 
than be developed in the W3C as the goal is primarily to document existing 
deployed behavior.

Content Security Policy "frame-ancestors" directive:

Early drafts of the W3C Content Security Policy specification proposed a 
"frame-ancestors" directive with functionality substantially similar to the 
"ALLOW-FROM" feature of X-Frame-Options, but required that the check be applied 
to all embedding ancestor resources, not just the origin of the top-level 
window.  This directive was dropped from the CSP 1.0 as it was felt to be 
substantially different in character from the other directives in that 

Frame-Options:   tracks a 
standards-track effort in the IETF WebSec WG to update and remove the "X-" 
prefix from X-Frame-Options.  The behavior specified is substantially similar 
with the addition of an optional "AllAncestors" flag which requires the same 
behavior as the "frame-ancestors" directive of CSP.

Content Security Policy UI Safety directives:
  is the latest editors' draft for a new set of directives for the Content 
Security Policy header that specify heuristic protections for clickjacking and 
some other classes of UI redressing.  

It has been proposed that the "frame-ancestors" directive, which was dropped 
from CSP 1.0, should be revived as "embed-ancestors" as part of the set of UI 
Safety directives, and that it should obsolete X-Frame-Options, that is, user 
agents which understand UI Safety directives should ignore X-Frame-Options if 
any such directives are found.  For example, some web application authors may 
wish to allow embedding of resources if and only if the heuristic protections 
of the other UI Safety Directives are understood, and fall back to an 
X-Frame-Options "DENY" or "SAMEORIGIN" policy otherwise.

-Brad Hill

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