The WebAppSec WG at the W3C would like to inform WebSec that Content Security 
Policy (CSP) 1.0 has been published as a Last Call Working Draft, and the WG 
welcomes review, feedback and comments to<>

CSP is a mechanism web applications can use to mitigate a broad class of 
content injection vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS). Content 
Security Policy is a declarative policy that lets the authors (or server 
administrators) of a web application restrict from where the application can 
load resources.

To mitigate XSS, for example, a web application can restrict itself to loading 
scripts only from known, trusted URIs, making it difficult for an attacker who 
can inject content into the web application to inject malicious script.

Content Security Policy (CSP) is not intended as a first line of defense 
against content injection vulnerabilities. Instead, CSP is best used as 
defense-in-depth, to reduce the harm caused by content injection attacks.

Thank you,

Brad Hill
Co-chair, W3C WebAppSec WG
websec mailing list

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