
I've had a quick look through the archives and haven't really seen anything
on this. What I want to do is include some common code in several PSP pages.
The functions should be able to access the res and req objects.

If I use <psp:include file="common.psp"> the code in common.psp never gets
run (and I understand that that directive is intended just for intending
static-ish HTML files.)

If I do something like
    from common import *
I find that my functions imported from common do not have access to the res
or req objects (unless I pass them in explicitly).

Looking at the source of the cached psp .py file it looks like it should be
ok, and I can't really see why this doesn't work.

Any suggestions?

David O'Callaghan

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
 or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
        --Microsoft Passport EULA / Revelations 13:17

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