
ich habe eine Froggit WH3000 und leider ständig Probleme mit WU. Wie kann 
ich meine Wetterdaten zb. per Weewx selbst auf eine eigene Website spielen. 
Mein Router ist eine FRITZBOX. Wie macht man da das mit dem weiterleiten 
der ip Adresse?


Otmar Schuster

El viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018, 14:01:27 (UTC+2), Bernd Mohr escribió:
> Hey Ronald,
> sorry, I was on vacation the past two weeks :-) 
> Ok, I´ll give it a try to explain you my method in English. (I´m from 
> Germany, so please have indulgence if one or the other sentence sounds 
> funny for you) :-)
> Let´s try with the Basics: Your Froggit WH4000 is up and running and 
> connected to your router, correct? And you are running weewx somewhere in 
> your network.
> For the installation of weewx I do not go into detail now, because there 
> are enough instructions on the internet ;-)
> if so, you have to "catch" the Wifi Packages between your console and your 
> router. In my case I had to buy another router (Asus rt-66u) because my 
> actual router can´t handle ip tables.
> Your console send´s the data packages via port 80 to your router. After I 
> know that, I installed wrt Merlin Firmware to my Asus router. 
> After that, logon to your router and enable under administration --> 
> system --> JFFS custom scripts or in case of another router, the ability to 
> handle iptables. 
> now you have to send the weather data packages to your weewx server. (In 
> my case Raspberry Pi 3+).
> it is important to send both kinds of packages like this:
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING  -s -j ROUTE --tee --gw 
> iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -d -j ROUTE --tee --gw 
> In this case the first ip is my WH3000 Console, and the second one is my 
> weewx server. Please replace it to your ip adresses ;-) 
> Of course, at this point it is very useful if you give your router in your 
> router and the weewx server a fixed ip address.
> To be able to parse this weather packages on your weewx server, you habe 
> to install and enable the interceptor driver. 
> I hope you are familiar with Linux console? If so, it is easy for you to 
> install the interceptor driver. In my case I used the following manual:
> https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-interceptor
> Little hint: At point 2, as I remember, the name of the package was wrong. 
> Maybe you have to delete the last word -master to install the driver. 
> Please, give it a try ;-) 
> Now you have to configure the weewx interceptor driver in your weewx.conf 
> You have to change station_type like this:
>  station_type = Interceptor
> and at the end of weewx.conf copy and paste this part here: (Replace the 
> ip adress of your console)
> [Interceptor]
>     # This section is for the network traffic interceptor driver.
>     # The driver to use:
>     driver = user.interceptor
>     # Specify the hardware device to capture.  Options include:
>     #   acurite-bridge - acurite internet bridge
>     #   observer - fine offset WH2600/HP1000/HP1003, aka 'observer'
>     #   lw30x - oregon scientific LW301/LW302
>     #   lacrosse-bridge - lacrosse GW1000U/C84612 internet bridge
>     device_type = observer
>     mode = sniff
>     iface = eth0
>     pcap_filter = src and dst port 80
> To check if everything is working fine, you can set the parameter: debug = 
> 1 in your weewx.conf
> In best case, when you have a look at your syslog, you can see a lot of 
> weather data packages ;-)
> To have a look at syslog --> tail -f /var/log/syslog 
> Please remember you have to restart weewx after changing the weewx.conf to 
> take effect.
> i think, this is the most important part for the beginning. I optimized 
> other little things for a durable running. 
> Please do not hesitate to ask further questions, I´ll try to help you if I 
> can :-)
> Cheers,
> Bernd 
> 22/5000

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